
I saw this Sunday afternoon with my girlfriend's parents. I did not like it.

If Catholicism could survive the discovery of the new world, I'm sure it could survive aliens.

My sense is that he'd make a good podcast host.

Love that the word for when a trademark loses its distinctiveness is called genericide.

Gorram it.

Jenova, like Goblin, is a small server. It's not so much a mistake, but fewer people can make it harder to do some of the more difficult endgame content. However, it's generally easier to make gil, and you should be able to buy a house.

Was that you? I remember I was actually yelled out by an old man to get off his lawn at 9 am on a Saturday when I was riding my bike to work. It was confusing because I was on the opposite side of the street, but drunkenness would explain that.

The celestial fury is such a great weapon.

Witcher 3 is my GOTY, and I never played Witcher 1. I got 2/3 through Witcher 2, but I didn't remember anything that happened in it. You definitely don't need any familiarity with the series, and there are a bunch of good options to get caught up on the lore (Kotaku had a good one).

I love the idea of playing these RPGs blackout drunk. You wake up with a 7/8 handle of cheap whiskey next to you only to find your in-game avatar waking up next to Yennefer after pledging your troth to Triss. "Why do I get together with my ex every goddamn time."

The person on ebay was very happy and left me a lukewarm positive review though! And the Mickey's I bought with the money wasn't half bad!

Baldur's Gate 2 is the best game ever made, yet I found Pillars of Eternity a little offputting. I think I'll put it off until I get some forced isolation with the family over Christmas.

The good governance of the vault is so cheerfully immoral. You should be tracking young vault dwellers early so they are very skilled in their chosen vocation but super weak in everything else. Also any sad men and women should immediately be confined to quarters until they make a baby! God knows nothing makes me

If you have any questions about FFXIV going forward let me know, I've pretty much seen and done everything that game has go offer.

My tips for Witcher 3:

Honestly, I only got one skill in the general branch (the medium armor one). One of the interesting things about the leveling in that game is focusing on any of the three major branches is totally viable and powerful (and there are multiple powerful builds within each path) and they all change how you fight in

12 was the first final fantasy game that I bought but never finished.

I sold all three of the games you mentioned because I needed beer money in law school.

All I want to do this weekend is get fucked up and play an MMORPG called FFXIV. But I have to see the minions movie with my girlfriend's parent and go to a bar/comic store.

Sounds like a more purposeful distillation of my day to day.