Goddamn this game looks incredible. We've already seen how procedural content can spice up an otherwise derivitive game (Shadow of Mordor). And I'm excited to see what this and other games can do to make procedural content interesting.
Goddamn this game looks incredible. We've already seen how procedural content can spice up an otherwise derivitive game (Shadow of Mordor). And I'm excited to see what this and other games can do to make procedural content interesting.
The rise of the streamers makes me realize that my days of cultural relevance are quickly coming to a middle.
You cannot even cancel the contract via the phone. You actually have to go to some website that you cannot even find via google.
Final Fantasy music in general is pretty incredible.
I use FFVII Cid's theme for my ring tone. It's awesome.
It's got to be the Witcher 3. For too long, I have labored in open world fantasy RPG's that promised adventure and exploration only to sink in a morass of piss-poor balancing, garbage combat mechanics, a rote main story, and an endless parade of mindless, inconsequential fetch quests. But no longer. The Witcher…
He could have used rational basis scrutiny and reached the same result. Many courts did. Under currently existant jurisprudence, you actually do need to advance a believable reason.
Holy shit that sounds amazing.
It really is a good feeling. Let's you (or me at least) feel like you (or me) accomplished something when your at work.
It doesn't matter what you say so long as you look apoplectic while you snarkily railing against it.
In some respects, it might have been better to use a standard scrutiny-based analysis. But Kennedy is clearly writing for a lay audience.
Scalia would be a horrifying legal writing prof to have.
I think the only opinion that could properly be described as bloodless is Thomas' (and even he has some flash where he somehow reaches the conclusion that slavery doesn't offend the dignity of slaves because the government cannot take or give dignity). But I think underlying Kennedy's opinion is all that empirical…
The problem with Robert's reasoning is that he still falls back on the procreation bit with a side helping of slippery slop for polgamy because he's a little unwilling to go all-in on the history/precedent/democracy argument.
It's boring and morally abhorrent.
It was short, entertaining, and morally repugnant.
I've read all the opinions and my AV Club style letter grades are as follows:
You would have to do all of the story content released in patches. That will likely take you 5 to 8 hours. But you will be getting XP while you do it, and SE has put in measures to expedite the process.