I don't like to think of my misses at 95% in X-Com on a Chrysalid that lead to the zombfication of my squad so much as a mistake as a sign from the gods of my unfitness for command.
I don't like to think of my misses at 95% in X-Com on a Chrysalid that lead to the zombfication of my squad so much as a mistake as a sign from the gods of my unfitness for command.
Crusader Kings 2 would like a word.
I blame the schools.
So as far as eugenics games go, this sounds worse than Rogue Legacy but better than http://en.m.wikipedia.org/w…
In the story board that opens the show, one of the zombies looks exactly like young Logan.
I've been listening to the Bombcast for a half a decade at this point, so I'm probably going to check this out. Apparently, the erstwhile Bombcaster Patrick Klepick has his own podcast now.
The New Yorker fiction podcast has the best back catalogue of any podcast. One of the first podcasts I ever listened to and still one of the best.
What's weird about that is that I thought the Baron leaves Velen anyway to take care of his wife? Apparently, he comes back.
I'm the exception. I shouldn't have said notable.
I like that a choice that has you saving a bushel of orphans is considered the bad ending because it leads to the destruction of a village (that sacrificed said children) and the death of a violent if charismatic villian.
Does the alternative costume fix it?
Just another one of the ways the Witcher adds depth to quests that would be tedious and rote in another game.
I would pay money for an Army of Two game starring Yen and Viv.
With one notable exception, it is shocking how much better the Gameological commentariot is compared to main line video game comment sections. Most other sites I frequent seem populated by wailing man babies.
I'd say that depending on your tastes the characterization in Dragon Age is probably as strong. And it's true that the Witcher is unlikely to ever win a Glaad award.
I had her shack up with good ole Gerry.
The dinner party is her first one, and you finish with a cool mission smuggling Mages out of the city.
I just finished the Triss loyalty mission, and holy shit that was a great one.
I'm in the middle of those mission, and they're not that bad. Besides, it's actually worse. To find Dandelion, you first have to find Geuvan, who sends you on a quest that has you finding Whorseson JR and as a part of that you also need to find Dudu in order to get the ultimate fate to find Ciri.