Oddly, I think a show with Vincent in Dallas (her hometown) was my last concert. She is a remarkable talent.
Oddly, I think a show with Vincent in Dallas (her hometown) was my last concert. She is a remarkable talent.
The combat is really, really bad in comparison to Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale.
It's amazing in that it respects your intelligence. You catch her in a single smallish lie. And you have some research notes and your only clues with what your dealing with.
For the most part, I think you can safely limit yourself to loyalty missions and the main story.
Your playthough of the Witcher is structured like the Odyssey: You have a brief prologue. A recounting of all your adventures that brought you to this point. And then the conclusion of the story.
What was your favorite quest the first time through?
The biggest rewards you can stumble onto in Witcher seems to be some alchemy recipes.
Witcher 3. It seems that I'm getting pretty close to the end of the Novigrad quests, and the game just keeps getting better and better. Doesn't hurt that it's surprisingly funny for a fantasy RPG.
There are some resolutions that are clearly better than others. In that quest, you can convince her to find sanctuary at Kear Mohren and give you the notes if you're nice to her.
Sounds reasonable.
Are you a bad enough dude to grab ten boards?
It's a super sad true love story.
That first contract with the noonwraith is so good.
At least the hairstyles aren't hostile…
One of the contracts has to do with a dog attacking some bees.
In fact, modders have discovered that Gerry is hung like a Ken doll.
I've heard that even within the kill or save the tree story there are several ways it can play out. Apparently if you sympathize with the Baron at every opportunity, he won't hang himself (I didn't listen to any of his justifications so he dies). And I managed to turn the water hag back to a human by picking the right…
Yeah but a whirling dervish of horse death was so metal I couldn't pass it up.
I feel the drowners are the bears of this game. They're everywhere and they can mess up your junk if you're not careful on harder difficulties.
I released the tree spirit to. I first time that I've felt that saving a half dozen orphans may have been the wrong thing to do.