It manages to one-up Dragon Age and Bethesda in a lot of ways. It has the scope of Bethesda except instead of one good questline it has dozens as good as Bethesda's best, and as many that are far better. And the mechanics are just much better.
It manages to one-up Dragon Age and Bethesda in a lot of ways. It has the scope of Bethesda except instead of one good questline it has dozens as good as Bethesda's best, and as many that are far better. And the mechanics are just much better.
I would have ignored it, but I talked to a random armorer who discussed the isles history of taking women captives.
The tone is ugly, but I found it less the ugliness of a Game of Thrones and more the implied ugliness of those classic fairy tales (not the bowdlerized Disney version). And the game even frequently references those explictly. Tonally this game does have a remarkable consistency with its unpleasantness though it's…
Bromethesus bringing the fire of enlightenment to y'all twitter trolls.
Name every rookie Wesley and use them as cannon fodder.
And just think all that money made possible because of Walt Disney and Sonny Bono.
I am going to play the hell out of this game.
Oh what a day. What a lovely day!
The Canon and Filmspotting aren't too bad.
I named mine after the cast of television shows I enjoy. My last game was Buffyverse centric. Felt good when Riley died.
Ugh. Mostly annoying to me that there isn't any real strategic depth. It's all about rushing satellites ASAP.
I just finished a Crown for Cold Silver by Alex Marshall. I loved this book. Something pleasing about a book that has a lighter take on grimdark fantasy. Plus it's has great characters (male and female), and a non-judgmental take on sexual orientation. The fop characters are also pretty great.
Nothing I've done in my decades long history of gaming has matched my exhilaration of when I finally killed that fucker. It took countless hours of watching group after group fail, but I finally did it. It felt glorious. Even clearing the highest raids in this game, has failed to match that high.
The Witcher 3 comes out soon, and that's what I'll likely be playing until FFXIV's first expansion Heavensward comes out (just need 10 million more gil to buy my second mansion).
We call that pulling an Hateful Eight.
I really wish we would get The Last Guardian (I know it's not technically canceled but it's got the feeling of vapor ware to me). It's old hat at this point, but Shadow of the Collossus is one of the medium defining works that really show the potential of what a video game could be.
It's about ethics in cross platform joke usage.
Just Cause 2 is better.