“Good.” -Seattle residents
“You are Eric Gordon! You’re good at some stuff, and were kinda promising with the Clippers, but for your whole career you’ve just been consistently Eric Gordon-y!”
Shut up, Byron.
Ha! You replace “Over” w/ “Only” to make joke about how most of us can only watch other people play! Spook understand joke!
Can it be June yet? This Onlywatch thing is lasting too long.
I couldn’t stop laughing. It was amazing!!!!
Tell you what, if Curry stays focused I really think he could be the next George McCloud.
Newell is not a rookie at this nor unprofessional, and tuned into what makes good business.
Don’t you make me not love this Warriors team. Do not. Your crap Bay Area fans already ruined the Giants by whining about how little respect they get, but you are not tainting this fun team for me. They’re not getting enough attention? Christ, Patriot fans are more self aware than that.
Jesus Christ dude, just shut the fuck up. You aren't the victim.
Worst comment of the year award goes to...
Are you seriously identifying lack of attention to the Golden State Warriors as a problem with our site? Holy shit, man.
I’m not surprised that the Rockets CEO felt the need to speak out. James Harden obviously wasn’t going to defend himself.
Trade7 coming 7oon.
7top 7nitchin’, E7PN.
Coach Kelly: You know, our job is acquiring talent, not getting rid of talent.
and what’s the point of language if not to efficiently convey meaning?
OH! Gluten free! That’s good. I don’t like gluten in my snake oil.
This will not happen. Showing my child something from Bleacher Report is the type of evidence my ex-wife needs to regain custody.