
you’re a fucking moron.

also, I just realized that I had you mixed up with another commenter, and thus made my comment about 75% more asshole-is than I otherwise would have. my bad.

No. I think YOU either have really shitty reading comprehension, or are just not very bright, because he clearly knows exactly who and what he is talking about, as does everyone else in this thread. What the hell are you even talking about? He said very clearly that he thinks it was shitty of Bill Wirtz to be such a

Way to completely overlook and ignore the actual issue, which is her decision to release a public statement which basically called the accuser a liar. You know, the thing that people are actually upset about, as opposed to all of the (stupid) stuff you’re suggesting in your (stupid) post?

Cheslea Wolfe fucking rules, and it’s nice to see her get some love here

What don’t you understand?

It’s not easy to portray such vast stupidity in such a succinct manner÷

Hills Have Eyes, yes, but he wasn’t Jupiter.

At least cite his best role: he was in the original Hills Have Eyes (and is on the cover).

I know this is old, but this comment is so stupid that I still had to comment just to tell how stupid it really was, anyways. I mean, this is almost impressively idiotic just based on your argument, alone. Then you add in the “should of,” and it takes to a whole new level of idiocy. so dumb.

Not really. I’m not sure why more people haven’t realized this, but his fabled defensive system is awful for today’s NBA. He runs the exact same type of defense he did in Boston and Chicago, but NBA offenses have changed a TON since then, and he hasn’t made any adjustments to his defense in order to compensate for

No, don’t worry: there are plenty of other completely worthless, idiotic, stupid, meat-headed dipshit assholes like you out there.

jesus... go away. I don’t even watch or like wrestling, and even I find this shot tiresome.

Don’t be willfully stupid. The fact that someone in his life died  doesn’t magically make his sexual assaults a laughing matter. Only a moronic asshole would think otherwise.

Well, seeing as how at the time, to most everybody’s knowledge, there were no real accusations.... i think your hindsight enabled self-righteousness is a bit ridiculous.

Bullshit. He didn’t know there were accusers. Nor did anyone else. The one accuser people were aware of went on record saying it wasn’t CK. There was no reason to just blindly assume that what was at the time no more than a rumor (to most everyone’s knowledge) must obviously be true.

So, you think that everyone is an asshole for not immediately assuming that an unsubstantiated rumor was true, when they had no other information, the supposed victim had stated that it wasn’t true, and Jezebel actively searching for someone to tell them about CK made it seem as if they didn’t actually have any

you don’t seem to understand what being pro-union actually entails.

Seeing as how his game bears almost no resemblance whatsoever to Durant’s ... no, that is not an appropriate comparison

I mean, I seriously don’t know how you can say that it doesn’t show anything at all, or at least call it into question. Are we looking at the same thing? im not even being a smartass, i’m genuinely asking. Look at his left hand when the video starts. Pause it at the very beginning. His hand is in his crotch. And this