
His hand is clearly in Beal’s crotch as this video starts, and then he quickly pulls his arm back. Did Beal say Draymond hit him in the nuts? Because everybody seems to think im crazy, even though it seems blatantly obvious to me that his hand is in his crotch at the start of this video.

I’m not sure why you’re going out of your way to be a rude and disrespectful, seeing as how I haven’t been either of those things towards you. I mean, heaven forbid that I think I saw something different than you. That apparently makes me an asshole.

......wut? Look at where his hand is at the very start of the video. It’s literally in Beal’s crotch. And then he quickly pulls his arm away. Combine that with the other angle where he appears to throw his arm towards Beal, and... I mean, he basically bagtags him. Either he straight up backhanded him in the crotch,

Not a quick little elbow. That was what I thought initially, looked like he swung his left arm. Until I saw another angle where Draymond’s hand is right in Beal’s groin. Unfortunately, the way it’s edited, it starts right as Draymond is pulling his arm away. But his hand is clearly in Beal’s crotch as he begins to do

It sure as heck looks to me like a nutshot. You can kind of see Draymond’s left arm swing towards Beal in the video above. Then look where his hand is at the beginning of this other video, and the way his arm is moving/he is quickly pulling his arm away. Sure looks to me like he backhanded Beal in the nuts!

Look at the video posted here, it kind of looks like Draymond throws a left elbow or something at the beginning, but the angle makes it impossible to tell for sure. But then, look at where his hand is at the beginning of this (conveniently edited) video, and the way he is quickly pulling it away. I mean, I guess I

I’m not! i just don’t know how to link videos on here, because I am apparently an old man.

nwvermind. saw another video. Beal side swing at his face.... after Draymond backhanded him in the nuts.

Draymond initiated it. Just saw a different video/angle. He hit Beal in the nuts with his left hand right before Beal swings at his face. Shocking, I know!

Draymond initiated it. Just saw a different video/angle. He hit Beal in the nuts with his left hand right before Beal swings at his face. Shocking, I know!

Just saw a different video/angle, and Green definitely initiated this. He hits Beal with his left hand before Beal hits him in the face. I’ll give you 3 guesses as to WHERE Draymond hit him, but I’m sure you can get it in one.

where are you seeing Beal claw at his face? I can’t even tell how it starts.

very worthwhile and productive comment.

Don’t be so willfully stupid.

You are aggressively stupid.

just stop. Violent athletic competitions have rules, too. The act of football isn’t the same as waiving your right to any shred of protection from dirty, cheap hits.

Yeah, he totally would have slide tackled him.... aside from the fact that he was sliding to the side, and not towards Alonso. Which is why Alonso hit the side of his head. He wouldn’t have come close to making contact with Alonso.

Fuck off with your idiotic nonsense about not wanting Flaccos to “fly into his legs.” That is complete and utter disingenuous bullshit. Maybe you should watch the replay again, dumbfuck. Flacco was sliding perpendicular to Alonso. There was literally zero risk of him running into Alonso’s legs. He was sliding towards

Thanks for immediately proving that you’re even more of a dumb asshole than I had already assumed. What the fucking fuck is the point of that aggressively stupid comment about supporting the Ravens? Are you fucking kidding me?

wut? he had about 5 yards to pull up, let alone to decide not to purposely lower his shoulder directly into Flacco’s head. I’ve seen players pull up with less time and distance to react than Alonso had.