
“The Pirates of the Caribbean star said he decided to start writing a memoir on an old typewriter to cope with his post-divorce depression as he toured with his band, Hollywood Vampires.

*Seneca frowns, then goes to sit—but stops*

Ah, yes. The rich man who says, effectively, ‘no, poor people, you really don’t want to be rich - you’re happier staying poor’. And yes, Seneca was a rich man. Helen Gurley Brown was much more on point when she said “Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.”

I know that wealth would not solve all of my problems directly, but solving all of my problems would be much easier with wealth by outright removing some of them and clearing roadblocks for other solutions. At least some of the “extra” problems wealthy folks to have are self-inflicted. Lottery winners, for example,

where’s your moral outrage when dudes have been jacking off on TV since time immemorial?

Sure they have, honey. Sure they have.

“Where is the orgasm?”

“Look at me.
Look at me.
This is my look now.”

OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABOUT SENTENCING. Rot in jail, motherfucker!!!

“John and I have real chemistry,” she told a caller. “There’s like a real part of me that is Pam and a real part of him that’s Jim. And those parts of us were genuinely in love with one another.”

Because Zeus made me that way.

Also, not to derail too much, but can we also talk about how Duckie Dale taught a generation of guys that pushy, entitled, Nice Guy behavior was quirky and adorable rather than being borderline stalkery?

Me included, by the way. I spent a LOT of my teens acting like garbage because I thought I was a Manic Pixie

Sixteen Candles is essentially unwatchable now between the racism and the misogyny.

Gotta be honest, I don’t think I’m ready for more Zach Braff. I’m gonna need another year or two before I can even think about Zach Braff regularly. A critic wrote something about his bumbling nice dude schtick being the performance equivalent of getting overtaken by a pile of puppies (I believe he may have also

Do not trick me into clicking on a source again thinking it’s going to be a long overdue update on MC Hammer just to feel disappointment when I discover it’s actually about Armie Hammer. I do not give a fuck about Armie Hammer’s tracksuit.

Of course the real question is: have they figured out how to pronounce “Realtor” properly?

Black or charcoal suits for men...females should wear yellow, gold, magenta, cyan, but avoid red, blue or purple.”

Liev Schreiber is definitely the type of person who interjects conversations with “Oh, you need x/y/z? Because I got a guy.”

I bet you anything that “the Trump regime being taken down by a vengeful porn star” won’t even crack the top ten weirdest moments of this entire shitshow once all is said and done.

Yup, she’s clearing the way so her book can’t be injuncted.