
Hey man I live in Florida! But im ok with his.

When I went through hunter safety as a kid, I remember the instructor telling people to get a pump action shotgun for home defense. His reasoning was the the sound of racking the action was enough to deter 90% of home intruders and the large shot pattern had a better chance of hitting something on the other 10%.


I’m surprised the NRA even knows Parks & Rec, I guess there are no decent Duck Dynasty memes.

Listen, people, you can have a bolt-action rifle, a shotgun, or a revolver. If you can’t successfully hunt or target shoot with those, you are a shitty shot who should not have a weapon. If you cannot “defend yourself” with those, you are a shitty shot who should not have a weapon and also has likely been killed by

Love Jez- but can you take more than 5 minutes to full understand the story you’re writing about before making a clickbait/false headline?

Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!

Yes. It was in the article. I’m hoping the statute of limitations won’t run before this November so Tom Price can be sued to get that money back, because Congress with Rethuglicans in control won’t do that. That was OUR money and we should have it back.

We really should be saving the outrage for actual controversy. It is absurd for government officials to charter private planes on taxpayer dime. Business class to freaking Israel is NOT controversial, the man is in an executive position. In my company ANYONE flying international (even to Canada) flies in business

The woman is in the home stretch of yet another difficult pregnancy, and is under pressure to produce, as a royal baby-maker. I can see why, even though Time’s Up shouldn’t be political, she wants to find some middle ground and avoid making any waves, either way. People perceive the movement as political, and she’s

“Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?”

She’s not allowed to make political statements. William is president of Bafta. Why should she sit out? Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?

People in the trans community are not getting more vocal, we’ve been pointing out what a shitty casting decision it was since before the show started. Just because you’re listening more, doesn’t mean we’re getting louder.

Gosh, I don’t know - maybe an actor? Have you heard of things like makeup and costumes?! The world is AMAZING!

Any chance they’ll keep his character but replace him with an actual trans actor? Like a Becky/Roseanne situation

Don’t lie. She got booted from Sochi because Wagner was tall, good-looking, and white.

I wish she’d been in Sochi instead of Ashley “Bullshit” Wagner.

“Visitor’s Gallery” should also be “Visitors’ Gallery.” Unless they are only letting one person in. Or could only find one person who wanted to go.

Pretty sure that was on purpose...

One thing I’ve learned in the past week is that one of the more subtle yet insidious abuses of power is their continued insistence that they be the ones to “fix” things. On their terms, always on their terms.