Thomas Crane

I am all for any public figure calling out Gawker Media for what they are, regardless of the context. Good for him. BTW Sonic Youth isn't a sacred institution. It's just a band. Turning Kim Gordon into some type of idol just makes for interesting tabloid headlines like the one above.

I would love for the AV Club to write the big pretentious recap/ reviews of Broad City like they do for Girls. The big difference being that Broad City is very funny, and Girls is just Hannah Horvath's sweaty bed sheets.

This post has inspired me to start a blog of links called "That's Great! Who Cares?" It's going to be full of alleged news items / press releases with hyperbolic headlines.

I think this would work if it was played as a mystery/thriller. These guys notice they are getting picked off one by one. Only the captain comes back. They realize something is very wrong and try to get to the bottom of it. As long as it's not cryptic like "The Big O", I think this will be a hit.

The people that produced the Real Housewives of South Boston are writing this show? No wonder it's fantastic.

I posit Jackie Martling is a better hack joke teller. However he's completely incapable of hosting a show.

It's important to note that every one involved in their arrest, trial, and imprisonment were just following Russian law. A lot of the times, dictators are portrayed as people that force the public to do their will. It's likely Putin had zero to do with this. It's just Russia being Russia. The Russian legal system

Jason Alexander was definitely wearing noticeable make-up. It was distracting to a small extent.

This is a long duration for stunt programming. I wonder what they are paying the cast. Scale?

(Because people really care) My reaction was, "Who is Cecily Strong? Why isn't there a picture of her? Isn't Weekend Update obsolete anyway. Jon Stewart basically does this schtick 4 days a week."

The episode with Hanson was way better. HOOKS FOR FEET!!!

It's funny that an industry defined by it's unabashed liberalism is being passive-aggressively called sexist. It's possible that women are just not interested in the careers noted above. "A Sound Designer is Born" isn't exactly a theme seen in stories throughout film after all.

Is that why 100% of dental hygienists are women? They cost 23% less as a workforce?

The thing about Jersey Shore was that it was a perfect parody of The Real World. Then after Jersey Shore became a hit, The Real World was affected. You had cast members of The Real World using Jersey Shore slang and basically behaving the same way. At least Buck Wild didn't rely on putting those maniacs in one house

I still remember how awkward the big lesbian make out was. One of the women pulled out a dental dam. I also remember a black porn star getting all fired up about Daniel Carver. That was surreal as she was topless.

Howard Stern's New Year's Rotten Eve was everything that a 13 year old boy could ever want in a special. I still remember it started off with "From the Carjacking Capital of the World…". That was a classic one and done.

Nitpicker Pro would probably sell a million. The internet has created a generation of nitpickers, myself included.

My experience with the XBox One is different. It works as expected. It's pretty handy even at a bare bones level of functionality. The assumption that gamers are oblivious to the OS not being finished really underestimates the the demographic that reads articles on this site (of which there has to be us few since a

I am all for this show because I am sick to death of seeing adds for Cop Dramas during AFC games. How many of those does CBS actually have? 30? I'll never watch an episode of anything on CBS other then the ridiculous Under The Dome, but it's nice to see some commercials for comedies instead of posturing detectives in

"Every major event, from the Mayans’ betrayal to Gemma murdering Tara, was drowned in a sea of soulful stares, hugs, long pauses, music, and long pauses." That's this episode in a nutshell. All the energy was sucked out. I could tell from the first conversation between Gemma and Juice that the whole episode was going