Thomas Crane

That's a leap. I think they could benefit from political diversity if they are going to keep the Garrison as proxy for Trump thing going.

Nick DiPaolo

Despite the insertion of the author's liberal (and unsolicited) political bias, I do appreciate that the AV Club recaps these episodes fairly quickly. They save me the trouble of suffering through watching them. If they are going to keep going in a political direction then maybe they should get some Trump supporters

Ughh two times in a week for commenting here. Baffler Meal isn't the origin of ATHF. They made it after the 3rd season of ATHF as a gag. It's on the ATHF 3rd DVD.

LOL I had to courage to create my own AV Club free safe space.

Once a year is fine. I can wait a day to watch South Park in the future.

Agreed. I stopped reading the AV Club because of its increasing SJW slant in reviews. I only read it this morning because they are usually the earliest when it comes to publishing recaps.

That's a salient point.

I accept his apology. People should move on.

Well, the sanest days are mad. Why don't you find out for yourself?

The amazing thing about this show is that it excels at being so bad it's good. No better example then Julia's perfect hair and make up in every situation. She gets shot and looks as fresh as a daisy. The dome is more plausible then any of the character's motivations or choices.

This review is way too serious for this show. This show is so bad, it's good. I was howling as Jim and the teach were having a casual conversation while hurty blood rain came down. Then the villain from "I know what you did last summer" carjacks them. So funny.

I liked Speed Racer quite a bit.

The deal was something like 12 CDs for the price of 1. I don't regret it. That CD is in my car. I also own it digitally. I do regret a lot of my choices for the free CDs though. Blind Melon, what was I thinking?

After seeing Moz on the cover of Details in 1994, I ended up making this the CD I bought from Columbia House.

Tomb Raider's central theme is the "disposable male". Body counts always go up in sequels. I wonder how many more nameless men she'll murder to get a vase.

I watched the pilot on Comcast On Demand last night. Toby Huss's and Lee Pace's scenes are fantastic. It's hard to believe that Artie, the World's Strongest Man, has that kind of range.

Chozen wasn't a shocker. I thought Legit had an audience. Guess not.

The real reason Chevy Chase was fired is because he didn't have 6 pack abs.

Adventure Time has really morphed in Bummer Time. I still like it, but it's not fun anymore.