Thomas Crane

I am glad they got rid of the blurry video for season 2. We need to see all the insanity in glorious 720p. I love how even the bits on the street are parodies of bits on the street. Only Eric Andre would dress up like a Captain and puke all over the Staten Island Ferry and get laughs from the passengers.

All Adam Sandler movies are a scam for him to have a summer vacation at the expense of the studios. There's a great Red Letter Media review of Jack and Jill that explains the con he's been pulling for a while now.

The same thing happened with Yu-Gi-Oh too, except in reverse. They created tournament rules. Cards got banned, and limited. Cost and complication are big obstacles for beginners. Cookie cutter decks cost money, whether they are built from an endless stream of booster pack purchases, or bought a la carte from vendors.

Importing Hatian Children to work in Wales isn't going to look so good. Having their parents be able to earn a honest living will get them fed.

Just watched John Stossell talk about this on his show. Apparently it took Bono 30 years to realize that capitalism, not charitable organizations are the way to eliminate poverty. He can barely believe it himself. I hope Jack Gleeson takes less time to come to that conclusion.

I watched the turkey skit and 2 minutes of the girlfriends skit on Hulu. I don't know what the point of either of those were (presumably to make 10 year olds laugh?). They had zero edge and fell as flat as one can expect. I am frankly surprised the whole show isn't just product placement. That's all it's good for at

A rerun of How I Met Your Mother would probably bring in higher ratings, and fresher jokes.

Sucker Punch is probably the most egregious example of this. It's all you can eat gun and sword violence. Oh… and constant implied rape. "Motherfucker" actually gets bleeped in the theater. I couldn't believe it.

I love the concept that Sports Sesh has no producers to reign in Kenny. It's like the show just exists to be controlled. Hurricane Kenny came in and wiped out the show. I think I'd watch this train wreck if I lived in North Carolina and it was real. Beats all the different ministries and their infomercials that

It sounds like they settled for what they thought was a fair amount at the time. Now they realize it wasn't nearly enough. I hope they take him for a big ride.

It was the contempt for the audience. The super long jam they played to end the show was not pleasant to listen to. Then they walked off without saying a word. It seemed pretty obvious that they were doing the bare minimum of performing to get a check.

I was pissed that this episode prevented me from recording AHS: Coven. Now it's off my scheduled recordings forever.

I think I own 5 Stereolab albums. I really enjoyed them in the 90s early 2000s but they were easily the WORST live show I've ever seen. It's like they played with contempt for the audience. I saw them LIVE at NYU in 1996 I think. They ended the show with a painful 20 minute jam, and just walked off the stage without

When I heard this premise I thought to myself, "Oh good, another creeper time traveling dude stalking a chick movie." I wish one of these knucklehead studios would just rip off the plot of Stein's:Gate. It'd be way more fascinating then some British bore making dry quips for 120 minutes.

It's okay. I bet most AV Club readers can guess what's going to happen anyway. It's not like that show has any more twists and turns in it.

I think in Pony Excess, he had to be the the most insufferable talking head. That whole documentary was basically the flip side of the argument, that paying students to play sports is cheating. No one talked about how SMU got into that situation. The whole conference was paying market value for athletes.

It wouldn't be so bad if the NCAA just amended the rule to schools not being able to pay students salaries. The rules are so strict that students will be disqualified from their scholarships for working a paying job in their off season, or accepting a gift as trivial as a pair of socks.

I've noticed a real GTA type of sensibility in both AHS:Coven and SOA. You basically have these outlaw groups involved in some crazy antics. Apparently sewing up a corpse and necromancy is just a thing that witches do. Same as the SOA busting up an Arab torture porn studio. It's just something that is done as part of

Maybe they'll take the extra time to flesh out jokes? Pfffft

These are the casting choices? That's slim pickings. Really though, there isn't some unknown Canadian Actor they can get? I'll be right now that Ant Man barely wears the helmet, or the helmet doesn't cover his face. The over under on helmet wearing should be at 6 minutes of screen time.