Thomas Crane

I love the shit out of Damages. If this new project is as good as the first two seasons, then I will gladly invest 13 hours.

Looks like other people agreed with me. Parks and Rec is weak and not worth watching. It can't carry NBC's treasured Thursday night programming.  This season is like the epilogue of the series.

This was an F for me. I think this was the first episode I have ever not watched in full. I turned it off after 20 minutes. The writing seemed to be so far up its ass, it forgot to be funny. It wasn't for me. If other people loved it, well then good for them.

Zoe actually has ninja powers like Kagerou in Basilisk. She should hone her skills for assassination.

The SOA clubhouse exploding was so cliche I started laughing. The second he looked at that pen, I knew there was going to be a slo mo run away from the bomb.

The "You are the worst" on the Ruxin trophy cracks me up every time.

After this episode, I hope the next one features SAMCRO on a membership drive. For all of Jax's plans to come together, he's going to need live members. Considering the mortality rate of prospects, that's really going be an uphill battle.

Jake lost his sword. It was time he got a new one, and cool upgrades to his cloth "armor". Getting lost in a RPG is a lot of fun, but it is death to watch. Just like golf.

In terms of this being Walt's end, this finale was satisfying. I am craving an epilogue though. The world without Walter White exists. Does Skyler avoid prison? How does Marie react to finding Hanks' body? Does Jesse do anything with his life? What does Flynn do with the laundered drug money?

I think this is more or less a commentary on how plain, boring clothing is expensive. I am pretty certain that no one was looking to dress like Ann Perkins, a nurse that rarely nurses.

Nathan Lane saying "hoof!" is going to be worth all the thoroughbreds.

There's something about JGL mugging for the camera that triggers my "hater" gene. I don't think anyone wants to see him score with ScarJo. I just want this movie to fail so we can be spared more macho posturing by a guy that wouldn't weigh 135 lbs without a dedicated team of trainers, and most like steroids.  It's

Here's hoping that the number of horse fatalities is less then Milch's last show, "Luck".

Reality Blurred… That's quaint. That guy still was selling ad space for "The Mole" season 1 DVD last time I bothered to check that site last year. I can't think of any more stagnant website that has existed for 13 years. 3 crummy posts a week (TOPS!) each blocked by a survey.

Clark Gregg is really good in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The writing is pretty decent too. I'm not too intrigued though by the story. Also if S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret organization, they should probably stop putting their logo on vehicles and uniforms.

Can we get a good article about this bizarre move to kill G4 for Esquire back in April, only to kill Style as of this week? They destroyed two cable channels for what amounts to 4 hours of original programming a week. There's a story somewhere. G4 is now a corpse that still reruns X-Play episodes and Airwolf. Sex and

I believe the money was earned well before Walt's 51st. That's why Skyler shows him the money pile right around the last episode of Season 5A. It's then that he decides he is out and they have the party.

After the fall, there is the ruin. I saw this episode as Jesse, Saul, and Walt suffering in the Hell they made for themselves. Saul is clearly the winner here as he is sentenced to exile in Nebraska. Jesse and Walt are tied. Jesse wants to die to end others suffering. Walt doesn't want to die to put an end to his

"Taco is just too stoned and oblivious to be truly mean to anyone." Are you kidding me? He gave Andre a porn of him fucking his sister to jerk off to. It's edited to make sure the reveal is at the end. He breaks into peoples' houses and fucks sluts on their beds. He watches Kevin and Jenny have sex often enough that

If they start to care about continuity or making their characters more human, the show is going to get real dull real quick.