Thomas Crane

As long as the pacing doesn't make me dizzy again, I am for it. The 4th season had some fantastic jokes, but the editing of all the story lines was disjointed.

That's hilarious. I love that touch. Well done.

RLM (Red Letter Media) won't review Sandler movies any more. They noticed the same thing about Jack and Jill. The movie cost 80 million to make, but none of it appeared to go into the production. All Sandler movies are ridiculously expensive to make. However 85 to 90% of that goes to salary.  The guys in these movies

I can't believe that it's taken so long for this movie to get released. Really. If you think about all the crap movies out there, it seems practically insane. Quality never seemed to stop anyone from distributing a movie.

I hope this does well so that someone gets the bright idea to make more high quality big robot movies. I kind of want the American viewing public to have the same reaction I saw when a Zaku blew out the bridge of a carrier. I also hope that all the combat in Pacific Rim isn't hand to hand. When it comes to big robots

I love this schlock. This show is so crazy bad it's good.

I love this movie. I caught it on cable late at night. It's brilliant. The way the last 20 minutes is shot is outstanding. Especially with the missiles flying overhead… They don't make them like that any more.

This episode was so corny and weak. The DC Universe makes no sense. In a world populated by super heroes that are omnipresent, why do criminals persist to try and rob banks? They have to know it's futile. Even if they get out of the bank, someone can literally fly in and subdue them.

I watched this last week. I had so many problems with this movie. First of all, it's one of these movies where killing cops has ZERO consequences. Two crackheads caught raping a girl… Running isn't an option for them. They are going to fight the cops and win. The goon squad that watches Baldwin Village 24/7 obviously

The flammable water caused by fracking was debunked. It's just not true. It's sad that people don't know agitprop when they see it anymore.

Sandra Bullock's life is still jacked up from angry hackers.

I am exhausted. I am going to keep my pitchfork and torch in my broom closet for this one. They should bring back the audience voting to America. All this HoH and Veto and Julie Chen plastic surgery is dull. It's better when it's the audience, not the producers dicking around with contestants.

The whole Angie and Junior thing is ridiculous. They are having consensual sex in the first episode. Junior confesses his love.  Then the hand grab of doom as Angie rushes out. She slaps him and then he's psychotic. Of all the things that have happened in Under The Dome, that is the most implausible. What's her

I think I am the only one interested in the business consequences for SC&P. Don's still a partner. He can be the monkey wrench in the gears.

If only the comedy they wrote was as funny as the bloopers…

Max Joseph's hair is so expertly coiffed for a camera guy. So is that guy vein as hell or what? Or is he just some aged male model they called in to help pretend there isn't like 30 people behind the camera?

Newt's not a shouter. He calmly stated that kids should do light janitorial work to "get money". For anyone even slightly annoyed by this, get a life. Seriously it's a show you won't watch. It's not worth your time.

With any luck she's be as dumb as them. If she's got any sort of brain or ethics, she may end up horrified beyond anyone's comprehension at her parents. That's going to be a head trip.

That baby girl is lucky her stupid parents are rich. Freakonomics says that her chances of getting an office job are now slim. I hope she gets a trust fund, and a name change as soon as she's able. It's bad enough she'll find out how her mom got famous, and what an asshole her dad can be. I can hear the future groan

I think the reason is because Superman stories really can't be told in a single episode.  Superman stories start of with something like Lex Luthor doing something nefarious. Then Intergang (a mafia) shows up and starts committing crimes left and right. It's revealed that they are using alien weapons. The weapons come