Thomas Crane

That guy is so in love with his British accent it's unreal. They aren't journalists. They are morning show hosts trying to promote him. He makes a living making shitty movies so why can't they make a good living talking about the superficial on MSNBC?

IF SC & P is a monster, then Don has become the personification of it. He's no longer the complicated man that can wow people with brilliant ad campaigns. He's now a beast that feeds.

I can't believe Dave Foley's legacy is his brutal divorce settlement. It should be Bruno Puntz Jones.

John Snow abandoned the watch no matter how you slice it. There is no king to behead him. Considering how loose the concept of government is in Westeros, he might get away with it.

Catherine Zeta Jone's pussy gave me the gout. 

This a great job, internet. I enjoyed the jokes of the new episodes, but it was completely disjointed. The only thing I knew for sure is that Cinco De Quatro was the final event before the new predicament.

Actually it might go to John Snow. Technically he's a bastard. Bastards are usually killed because they can claim legitimacy as an heir. Normally a crow would be beheaded by the King of Winterfell for abandoning his post. However, there is no king to order his death.He's got a shot at claiming Winterfell. Hopefully

The death of Robb Stark means that Sansa is the next legitimate heir. She is the fabled "key to the North". All of that comes into play. Wonder what Tyrion's going to do with Winterfell now that it is his.

This was a "How Did This Get Made" podcast subject. They tore this movie a new asshole. Especially with all the implied rape.

I hope this is a remake of Air Bud, but with a teeny grumpy cat.

I totally respect that opinion. It's kind of the same reason that I just don't like Jack Black. Whatever that guy has going on is repugnant. Jack White's pretty cool though.

Does the female owner pay all the female employees pay 73 cents on the dollar compared to male employees?

This is a fantastic argument for a la carte cable pricing. I am with the PTC on this one if it leads to not having to pay for a shitload of channels I don't watch.

They should add "Attack on Titan" instead of another dumb "Guys in expensive suits improbably solving murders" show that no one asked for.  18-35 male key demographic!!!

I knew the second those two horny women showed up, it was game over for Theon's genitals. I am kind of surprised Theon hasn't died due to starvation, thirst or infection. Then again, he might only in captivity for a period of 5 days at this point.

Oh great, more shows from communist, 9/11 denier, Aaron McGruder.

I stopped watching this season 3 episodes in. This show does need to be cancelled and killed with fire. That applies to The Office too, 3 seasons ago.

Ken's "Mutually Assured Destruction" metaphor only works with modern divorce laws.

Leslie Knope's story is a meditation on the liberal idea that people need government to tell them what's best. Every time they show some town meeting, the fat dullards of the town clamor for insane an unproductive idea. It's pretty condescending.

He was downgraded to "friend of the men" from "half a man". Kill this show now!