Thomas Crane

Maybe it will do better then Jonah Hill's flaming piece of shit on Fox.

Isn't Christopher Sabat the English voice of Vegeta? Regardless that's pretty funny. I love the scene. Way to take the piss out of Zach Braff! If he gets a roast on Comedy Central, that's in the opening video package.

Pat Summerall and John Madden used to announce the Giants games in the 80s and early 90s on CBS. I had no idea he was a raging alcoholic at the time. He was always stoic, and the straight man to John Madden's color. My favorite memory of his announcing with Madden was during a Giants home game where they were blowing

Good point. The last sitcom I recall about southerners is Designing Women.

I think this movie exemplifies a theme that Bioshock Infinite explores. The concept of when a person becomes a myth.  Jackie Robinson seems to be getting this sort of treatment. I wonder if as years past the story of Jackie Robinson will be "Futurama'ized" and Robinson will become a Moses like figure with a bat as a

He forgot to mention how MTV has exploited bad/ dangerous behavior for ad revenue historically.  What is the Real World/Road Rules challenge if not a way for drunken idiots to do dangerous stunts while being cruel to each other?

I think this episode killed the series for me. It's like they are now stuck in epilogue mode.

I think Fast Food Nation was the best book in regard to this type of subject matter. The guy just wanted people to know how the meat was farmed and butchered. He wasn't against the food itself. It was a success because the book wasn't sanctimonious.

Leno will be back doing the Tonight Show in Fall 2014. That guy isn't afraid to get dirty to continue his reign of terror.

I guarantee you the one male fetish they'll never feature on that show is sports fandom. For some reason, obsession over a sports team is exempt from this dumb monikek, "geek". If a guy plays D&D that's not cool. If they obsess over the WHIP stat in Fantasy Baseball, that's normal.

I don't think Chris Brown is wrong about Frank Ocean. I think that guy has been riding the "I'm black and bisexual" train to success. Then again who gives a shit about the Grammys? The only time it seems to count is when Ryan Seacrest reads "Grammy Winner" as a credential before an American Idol appearance.

Good, get him the fuck off SNL. Then he can be on his way to being the next Jay Leno. Someone who's show is highly rated but makes no one laugh.

It's bad law because it infringes upon free speech. The smarter move would make photographers responsible for compensating anyone who makes money off of someone's image without their consent. It's one thing to take a picture of someone in a public place. It's another to make money off the back of someone else, cause

I wish Sean O'Neil mocked this as a news story. Seriously, how hard up are we as a nation for Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impersonation? Not very, right? This is almost as bad as Radar Online posting a Real Housewives recap as an actual news story.

I loved this show because of how raw it was. The best epsiode is the one where she hires a staging company to dress up a rental house. She plans to stay there while work is being done at her mansion. Her assistants and the stagers work hard to get everything done for Paula's return from wherever she went. Without

I hope there is an episode where Leslie's stalwart dedication to the Parks department comes into conflict with overall Pawnee affairs. It seems insane to me that Leslie is still taking on issues and battles. Problems should come to her.

Bo knows this and Bo knows that, but Bo don't know Jack because Bo can't rap. 

I have no feelings towards the show. My only beef is how internet writers have hailed Lena Dunham as the voice of a generation within a single season of her HBO show premiere. Even the words of this article seem so over the top. Missing an episode of Girls is not tantamount to not keeping up with

My grandparents lived in Williamsburg and gladly fled to NJ in the late 80s. It was a shit hole. I remember it being a shit hole when I visited. For some douche bag to pretend like Williamsburg was this cultural mecca prior to being developed is insane. It's like when New Yorkers clamor for the Times Square of the 70s

You can't replace Jay Leno. You can only hope to contain him with a 10pm show that undermines the integrity of your prime time programming.