Thomas Crane

Where on Earth did he get a Jimmy Hart style suit in Kyle's size? That's a coup for the wardrobe department. They must have called Jimmy Hart himself for that. I also like that Adam could afford the hospital, but he needs the money for future hair plugs.

I am glad that Jenny Slate is getting some decent work in this show.  I feel like she got railroaded by the SNL political machine (for saying fuck in a sketch). Her baby voice is spot on for these vapid young women who are so self-important with their parties.

How about they just get a real host and cut the dumb bits? Then they wouldn't have to cut off acceptance speeches to make time for 30 minute comedy routines.

Well said. Here's hoping they skip the "origin" story. I am sick of every reboot having to reintroduce characters all the time. It's a shame that Fox is trying to keep the rights. I think what was really lacking in the The Avengers Movie was the Fantastic Four and Spiderman. For all intents and purposes, NYC is the

I think Finn would be considered a "Arms" warrior. He uses a two handed sword, and battle shouts. I like how in the land of Ooo there are dungeons. Who built them? Why are there so many reanimated skeletons lurking about?

It would have been awesome if the Wang Chos could have saved us from the (uggh and I can't believe it) "Tom and Jerry" show. I think it would have been mind blowing for someone to tell Ben Wyatt that closing down that office would result in massive layoffs for the staff. Particularly the guy in the pink shirt serving

Alison Brie is amazing. She did a great job with "Annie" this week.

I was hoping to score this on Kindle or something. I got sticker shock. 58 bucks for a paperback is a bit much. However it seems that the re-release coming out next week is 9 bucks. Huzzah.

I'd expect Lindsay Lohan to promote the SHIT out of this. She needs the cash, badly.

I wonder if they got the inspiration for JustAnna from Just Amber, who is quietly becoming an underground star. I loved that Anna tried to talk the boys out of the infatuation, and then was all of a sudden down for whatever they wanted that night. Smash cut to "Ewww she had 3 kids". I love this episode though. The

I am amazed at  Robert Van Winkle's post rap career success. You've got to hand it to him. He's a super talented guy and has had a ton of different ventures. I can't think of a one-hit wonder that has been as enterprising as him post rise and fall.

The Catwoman episode is my favorite, especially when they discuss the "basketball" scene.

The 3rd season of Delocated was one of the funniest things on TV. When I saw this in my google reader, I thought it was season 4. What a bummer that the series is ending!

Considering digital distribution, what's the point of labeling a band "indie" any more? Indie used to mean obscure because you had to go to special shops to find their CDs. Now, I can just download music on iTunes, Amazon, or any other service. Bands don't need labels for distribution so the term has become archaic.

I love that he's suing that smug cunt over something so stupid. I hope Trump's lawyers at at their most obnoxious. It's like karma for all the people that had to deal with Bill Maher as their boss.

Serbia? What happened,Uzbekistan was booked up for April?

The pissing in the plants gag was great, with Alice's payoff one-liner. I really enjoyed last night's episode. I think it helped that I had some scotch though.

Hooray for necrophilia :P

Best Marah Eakin authored snark on a news story of all time. Darrell Sheets IS " the West Coast version of  "Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force". 

Warm Bodies seems like an anime concept that didn't get fleshed out. "Kore wa zombie desu ka?" seems to do a lot better job with the shonen/harem theme. Apparently the dead don't smell bad enough for some dumb ass blonde to stay clear of them. I can't wait to hear Jason  Mantzoukas rip this to shreds.