
Have you seen Born on the Fourth of July? Taps? Rain Man? A Few Good Men?

I, for one, am not feeling a Joker sequel. Saw the first, it was OK, don’t really feel the need for more. It just doesn’t feel like a movie that demands a sequel.

The snark seems misplaced here. WBD is focusing on two types of movies — prestige pictures that win awards, and low risk franchise pictures that are very likely to make lots of money.

A movie studio is spending $200M on a sequel to a movie that made over $1B? Stop the presses, I think we have the scoop of the year.

My problem is more when people use “whataboutism” to quash any attempt at a meaningful comparison. Everything needs context to be meaningful.

“Don’t criticize the leading Dem in an election year” is just “don’t criticize the President during wartime” for people who tear up at West Wing speeches.

Saying “his age is a problem” is not saying “he’s as bad as Trump”. They both have an age problem. He didn’t ignore the other  problems that Trump has.

Take your antisemitism to the Republican party where it belongs, please. :)

This is why Haley is directly saying that she intends to stick around for the long haul. Because I think she is hoping that trump will do something so unforgivable in the run up to the election that the GOP will have no choice but to pick her. What she doesn’t understand, and what Trump does, is that his supporters

It’s ok to expect better of your elected officials, to ask them to do things, and to let them know when you’re not happy. They work for you.

“The stakes are too high.” - Liberals justifying every bad candidate every 4 years, from now through eternity.

It’s not about Biden’s age. Martha Stewart is 82, and I never hear her age mentioned in anything other than a complementary sense.

Whataboutism is usually just a poor defense of someones hypocrisy.

the stewart-induced meltdown amongst liberal wimps is just evidence of how insane and disconnected from reality theyve become since trump. sad!

Bitching about bothsiderism is exactly the same as the MAGA whataboutism mindset.

The vote blue no matter who people are just as much of a rabid cult as Trump supporters 

Weird to think Hannity’s been hosting his show solo longer than with Colmes.

Paul Begala. Alan Colmes was Hannity’s co-host.

this is funny or helpful—exactly how?

I guess they missed that his criticism of Trump also included that he’s a fascist piece of shit, but hey, get mad because your side insisted on a useless old fossil in order to beat a malevolent old fossil. That is totally Stewart’s fault. Totally.