
It’s actually a little bit more annoying than that, because on the screen where they show that 2%, the other stats we can see are 28.5% of “Films from top 10 distributors in 2022 contained LGBTQ characters” and 10.6% “Of all series regulars on primetime scripted broadcast series in 2022-2023 television seasons were

I’m always curious if they know their methodology is flawed but need to juice the numbers, or if they were just collecting the stats in the laziest way possible.

While I agree with 11van’s point that gender and sexuality often play VERY big roles in people’s lives, I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant that for a most people gender and orientation are just two parts of varied complex humans and is rarely the sole defining trait of who they are.

I don’t know about most folks, but very few of the games I play address ideas even related to gender identity or sexuality, because they just don’t matter for what the point of the game is.

It’s really a joke. It’s the same instrument. However, country musicians who played violin were traditionally called fiddle players. At some point in the 50s, the “Countrypolitan” sound began to emerge. This was a more pop flavored format that used lush string arrangements. Instead of down home fiddle, you had lush

This rings even more hollow than Part I which really struggled to convince, but since it’s Beyonce the media have to lick and lick and lick until they can’t lick no more and then lick some more.

Don’t companies know that people don’t want to watch advertisements during their programming?

I’m pickin’ up good decisions...

Didn’t Ray Charles put out an album of country music?

Omg, you're right. I've completely blocked out the aughts in my head and kept thinking but it hasn't been 25 years since 1994.

That’s what they call her for short, her full name is Northby North West

I thought Key would have been a fun way to honour the Kardashian K name tradition and also do something with the surname.

Milton? Artists (especially writers) have always challenged society’s norms. That’s what they do (the ones we celebrate, anyway). Dante’s Divine Comedy takes a crack at just about everyone in his social/political sphere - the ‘baddies’ anyway - and that was nearly 300 years before Paradise Lost. Read The Inferno for

I’m listening to it now. I’m no afficionado but I enjoy rap. I don’t think there’s anything special here. “Paid” features the refrain “I’m just here to get paid” and includes some lyrics from Police’s Roxanne”. The one featuring his daughter gives me chills because I feel so sorry for that child. I’m sure she’s not

Fuck people with peanut allergies.  Because of you, I don’t get peanuts on an airplane anymore. 

I don’t want to get all right wing grandpa here but man people really can’t take a joke these days.  Uber eats wasn’t wishing anyone dead. It’s a silly commercial. 

“... might rub certain people (i.e., survivors) the wrong way.” People with peanut allergies who ate peanut butter and didn’t die are an interest group with enough clout to have portions of a Super Bowl ad pulled? I sincerely have no idea what to think about this.

The world would be better off if we stopped credulously reporting on what advocacy groups like Food Allergy Research & Education say, as if they were representative of the real people they claim to fight for.  These groups depend on generating publicity for themselves. Even if they are actually making these

So has anyone here listened to it yet? Is it any good?

I was going to raise a stink about the insensitivity to those of us who suffer from memory loss but I forgot.