
Doctor Zhivago in space is whole lot more ambitious of a failure than “Wouldn’t it be cool if I pissed off all those Reddit users by subverting their expectations?”

I know the main debate is generally around 8 and 9, and how they screwed them both up in very different ways. But I was already concerned by the way 7 was not really a continuation of the story, but more an attempt to reset by remaking 4, which seemed a bit pointless given how beloved 4 is to people of a certain age.

Yeah at least the prequels were bad in unique ways.  Who would have thought the whole thing started with a trade dispute?  Nobody but George goddamn Lucas, that’s who.

Praising Last Jedi to a trollish degree is just a Barsanti thing. (I liked Last Jedi just fine, but he’s ridiculous about it.)

This site’s constant, stupid editorializing about everything is obnoxious. The Last Jedi has a lot of problems—all three of the new ones did, though clearly Rise was the worst. At any rate it is not at all a perfect cinematic masterpiece.

Well, she has evil midichlorians.

Is it just me, or have there been significantly more items on pop culture sites lately that treat an actor saying that they liked a movie that they appeared in as something just shy of a moral failing?

The problem was the writing. Not Daisy, not Adam, not Oscar, etc. The people who are supposed to know such things in fact didn’t know what story they wanted to tell or what story they were actually telling. The attempt to “correct course” from TLJ produced a ridiculous - and boring - final act. There really just ended

Can we at least agree that for any perceived problems with the sequels, the human being known as Daisy Ridley isn’t one of them.

By standing on the far right (hehe) of the stage, in an episode he wasn’t in.

Eh, it was standard late night show bullshit. I’m pretty damn far from a Trump supporter, but I couldn’t care less about that.

Did anyone answer the titular question?

stirring up online B.S.

Definitely what the AV Club claimed in their last coverage: endangering trans people’s lives. Yes, the AV Club is officially on record that Dave endangers trans folks lives...with jokes. Further, he is no longer to be considered a comedian, which would be news to his millions of fans, and should be known going forward

Woof, where to even begin with this.

Eh, all of this shit is, for the most part. I think people lose sight of that, because social media has conditioned many of us to become validation-addicted reaction monkeys. Even the “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd are in their feelings approximately all the damned time.

Yes, all the smart people actually realize that “comedy = violence”. You got me there. 

I expected an answer to the question posed by the headline. Aren’t you journalists of some sort? Investigate and find out the shit people want to know. We didn’t need an article with you asking the same question everyone else already was asking. I try to defend y’all sometimes but this level of hackery is just too far

What is the nature of the connection you are drawing, then? Or is it purely speculative?

This is why I’ve never been a fan of Noam Chomsky. Not funny!