
Those are both things the critic said, not the film (as far as we know). Year 33, while not accurate, is also not a trap. Additinoally, the hoary commentary you are seeking hardly seems “cutting” in 2024. You can just find that in the Gospels, my dude.

The thing I like is that Roy isn't remotely cool. Past villains like Malvo or Varga were intimidating and quirky, I mean hell Oreatta Mayflower in season 4 was nothing but quirky.  Roy isn't quirky, he isn't witty saying stuff about green eyes, he isn't singing the Carter Family during murders.  He's just a creepy

Yup, Carrie Coon. Season three was a lot of terrific performances in support of a disappointing plot.

She said “Yes, but that isn’t why I’m here” or the equivalent.

The best bit of storytelling, for me, was Dot getting her hallucination and reality mixed up to tragic consequence. Because Gator, who is utterly rotten but she believes can be redeemed, may FEEL that things are off and he can make better choices, and he’s been been mistreated and lied to in his time with Roy, but he

This tangent has me wanting to revisit it. I don’t think I’ve watched it since the theatrical release. 

I can buy Tillman losing it at the debate as he’s clearly a man who’s used to getting what he wants, and thoroughly expected the debate to be a mere formality. To walk in and see doppelgangers, who then echo him, along with the laughter of the crowd and the moderator’s genuinely pointed question...I think he was

It took me a little bit to get used to Hamm in the role after seeing him in the comedy world but he really is great/horrifying.

No that kind of shit happens in rural America:

“There’s simply no room for the virtuous in Fargo”

I quite liked this episode. I’m sure there’s a metapor in that debate somewhere, lol. Dave Foley’s slo mo walk away after the handiwork of his debacle, was chef’s kiss. Shame he bit the bullet. I never fully got a read on this guy, but he did seem to be smarter than to tell the man he knows is volatile “It was me!” A

I have gotten the idea that none of the people that are dealing with Roy understand just how crazy (and therefore dangerous) he really is, because they are sane people. Witt seems to be getting it now, and my guess is he left because he truly (finally) understood that Roy would kill him without a second thought. Same

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Danish should have just crushed Roy’s head. Or pinched his face.

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Would you accept old-timey “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?” If so, Bioshock: Infinite has you covered:

Yeah, they’ll be able to track exactly where Danish’s phone went, and exactly where his car went. You can’t just throw him in a shallow grave in the yard and expect nobody to find him.

Obviously there are no guarantees in ‘Fargo’, but I like the chances of Trooper Witt surviving. He strikes me as one of those thoroughly decent, determined characters that the show likes to see triumph.

There’s simply no reasoning with a guy who thinks a Simpson joke is a badass line for an execution.

I’m frankly a bit amazed that Tillman has managed to keep this empire afloat for however many decades it’s been. He doesn’t appear to be particularly intelligent (“Oh you think you’re so smart, well how about I SHOOT YOU IN THE FACE SMART GUY”), he’s very obviously doing crimes (including kidnapping and murder!) that

These are the Sheriff Tillman’s I know, I know, these are the Sheriff Tillman’s I know.

I guess it's nice that Lars finally got his deserved talking-to. But he still feels like a complete waste of a character.