
Season 1 was great, Season 2 not so much.  But, yeah, most Marvel shows are fairly bad. 

Meanwhile, Anson Mount is just like “I got work!”

“My cameo appearance was less fulfilling than my starring role.”

The internet and websites we frequent are just overall shittier than they were 10, even 5 years ago. More and more places disappearing, more and more consolidation with things being worse for the end user/customer. 

The opinions aren’t outside the current political landscape. They’re just outside acceptable opinions for the Twitter Morality Outrage Machine (TM).

his opinions dont suck.

I totally agree, you guys are screwed and can’t form families or buy homes, but I also think you’ve been taught some truly dysfunctional things.

I just hope our nursing homes have video games

If someone survived the Holocaust then they are at least 78 years old and given that for much of their life there were only about 3 or 4 channels on TV and fairly repetitive scheduling during holidays, they’ve probably already seen The Sound of Music.


“Cancel Culture doesn’t exist” claims website trying to shame man for his fairly mild opinions.

The fun thing about young people being incensed about old people saying things that are out of step with the politics of the current day is - it will happen to you too. You will (assumedly) live long enough that your opinions calcify, the world will change around you to the point where it no longer resembles anything

This article kinda proves his point, doesn’t it?

You know, there was a time when we’d take a guy like you in the back and beat you with a hose. Now you’ve got your goddamned unions.

Paint Your Wagon, starring Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin... Warning: Contains singing (in case anyone was expecting a murdery western)

But who doesn’t know by this point that the Sound of Music has Nazis?!?

Why would a Scotsman celebrate thanksgiving? 

This website is really, really bad.

“To be fair, Cox comes off as even-handed” after paragraphs painting a completely different picture. I’m not going to watch the interview, because fuck Piers Morgan, but it sure *seems* like quotes are being plucked at least slightly out of context for clicks. I have no illusions that everything a 77-year-old white

I just don’t see the point of including a warning because a movie has Nazis and they’re clearly depicted as the bad guys.

This seems pretty mild to me. I think most of us have old relatives who say worse stuff at thanksgiving.