Damn wish I’d thought of that before...well, let’s just move on.
Damn wish I’d thought of that before...well, let’s just move on.
No, that might work. Don’t let her learn any English other than “yes” and “my god, it’s huge!” though.
Shit from all the ass. I see what you did there.
I am more about class than ass.
I’m not certain I understand your question, but I _think_ my answer would be that as soon as people start grouping _themselves_ (by advocating for a certain belief system or political bent, for example), it becomes less problematic to regard, and speak to, them as a group. You’d still want to be careful with really…
I admit, you did it. I hand’t given an actual list much thought, but your stuff is valid, especially, to my mind, the permanence of nations vs. non-permanence of business entities thing.
I think it’s awesome that you see black people as one big group with one big set of interests, and that you are kind enough to point out when one of them goes rogue.
far different skill than business negotiation
Did you...read my post? It isn’t BS at all. It’s a damn good way to tell a lot about a person. The actual answer helps, and the way the question is embraced, avoided, or otherwise approached by the interviewee is instructive as well.
If you “define failure in your own words” you will piss off any interviewer who is asking this question to actually hear the answer. When we ask you something, we do it for a reason, and if you use anything like any of the suggested “definitions” here, we will notice that you are attempting to subtly change the…
Oh, so you _may_ have some skill within a very narrow area directly related to this job, but you can’t even understand why this question is applicable, and will be the kind of pedant/know-it-all/jerk we have to hide from clients, C-level, maybe even other team members?
Are you saying Wunderlist or Todoist lacks true subtask support? I thought Todoist actually was okay for subtasks; they’re full tasks you can move between levels, aren’t they?
Truth. “Pet project” is not a manly thing to say, cats and dogs are just cats and dogs, and the verb makes a real man think more of “heavy petting” than rubbing his hand on a cat. A feline, I mean. It’s not a euphemism.
Not enough “boom” in this one. Need more “boom.”
This is not bad, but I think John Spencer did it better.
Oh, ok. Well, just so you know, I had no problem with what you said. I just wanted to add to it. No criticism.
Muchas gracias.
I like that wallpaper on your home laptop. Care to share it?
There may be some confusion. I was calling valley-of-the-uncanny-preserves out for his SUV comparison in the second part of my post. Now I wonder if, due to the magic of Kinja, he was not the OP and only looked to me like the OP.
And also by losing control, and causing drivers to panic and lose control. I get what you’re saying about how they damage the rep of responsible riders, and it’s legit, but they also have day-of, on-the-ground consequences, and they’re fuckheads for dragging other people into taking such risks with them.