Social Justice Worrier

MOTHERFUCKING THIS. If the government wants to come for you, THEY DON’T EVN HAVE TO GET OUT OF THEIR SEATS. Guns aren’t gonna fucking save you! I wish these second amendment fundamentalists would just admit that they want to have the right to shoot at PoC.

The fact it was made public and the carefully nonchalant hair and general air of “Smile nice for Mr. Polanski” look about the whole thing, are reason enough for me to criticize the shit out of that photo. I get having carefully posed and thought out pics of your kids if you know there’s a public demand and you don’t

Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

It’s when your movement stops being a rational one, based off of pragmatism and self-criticism, and starts becoming a religion, fanaticism based on dogma rather than discourse.

“hmm, self” is a top notch euphemism

For me, it was feminists telling cis women that using the words “vagina” and “uterus” while protesting the eradication of abortion rights was “transphobic”.

Progressivism eats it’s own tail while true power laughs and profits.

Every day is somebody’s birthday. Not even direct family should be too upset if your wedding is on their birthday, let alone your husband’s friend from college. The asshole in this picture is that guy, who thought it appropriate to (however humorously) make you feel guilty.

Who gets too high to eat cake?


I could never have imagined myself as the type of lady who would ever be Too High For Cake and honestly it came as a real shock

the wedding-obsessed crowd needs to CALM DOWN. you’re a dbag if you propose at a wedding. you’re a dbag if you think someone who deigns to exhibit happiness that doesn’t 100% involve you on or before your wedding deserves wrath. weddings are weird and kind of dumb. get over it!

That’s amazing. At least karma bit them on the butt will a small dose of humiliation.

True story: some guest’s +1 did this at my cousin’s wedding; it was basically a wedding dress if you married (hah) a little black dress and a wedding dress. Office printer paper white and more lace than the actual bride’s dress—justified, of course, by the fact that the +1 had been married 5 months ago and considered

He’s an adult, right? Not a child turning the big 1-0? You should not apologize.

What you should really do is, when/if she gets divorced, get married really close to it so n not be pays attention to her sadness and hard times. Or maybe you are not a spiteful as me.

Oh no. Just no. If my day was already ruined by this kind of asshattery, I’m afraid my Emily Post manners would go straight into the shitter over this. That friendship would certainly be over too.

The reason he had to even talk to the pervert trooper was because the a girl he was supposed to marry (his would-be father-in-law) was running for office and lost. He said there was “sin” among them because that was the only reason why he could lost. Duggar was on the campaign staff and this is when he was forced to

The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what’s to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person

Nooo now I am thinking of Quiverfull Ramsay Bolton BAD.