Social Justice Worrier

CEO is subject to all rules and regulations governing said company. So, yes he is. Just clarifying for those who think this point might be debatable.

I’d also like to point out that Trump has violated this code as well, multiple times.

Very nice! Another U.S. code repeatedly violated by Trump.

That is a shit argument (I’m not digging on you, just on the lawyers trying to make that argument). For example, CEOs are just as subject to insider trading laws as anyone else in the company. Probably more so. Trump is not exempt from the law for that reason; he is exempt because he has been installed as the

The earliest incarnation of Goop was basically a disordered eating site. I hate Goop so, so much.

She made her kids do “cleanses” where they just drink spinach juice for a week. This was years ago, so they must have been little. She should be in jail.

I think the sanity thing to remember is that the domestic policy stuff is regular Republican bullshit. Yes, it ruins the country. Yes, we are rolling back progress. Yes, the nation is being gaslighted. But any Republican would do that, which is why the Republicans are blind right now to the worse parts:

Trump is trying to commit suicide by nuclear proliferation. The ultimate narcissistic bow-out.

Wow, Miller is really into nukes, too. Just get fucking penis enlargements already and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

Yes. Kelly is no angel, but he is an adult. He is sacrificing his reputation and sanity to be the adult in the room when shit goes down. Is he 100% controlling the giant toddler? No, that is impossible. But we need someone to try tamping him down instead of only people who feed his worst impulses.

I’d rather have 3 crazy people and 1 sane person surrounding the nuclear football than 4 crazy people and 0 sane persons. Kelly better fucking stay where he is. I don’t really give a shit about his feelings.

If he did his job fully, Miller would be out of there so this “completely destroy NK” shit wouldn’t be happening. As much. Probably. Though just as probably, Donald could come up with that himself and would continue to do so no matter who tells him to stop. Because someone tells him to stop.

I expected him to be totally incompetent, but he has managed to far exceed my expectations by also being completely malevolent, cruel and actually incapable of any competence, as well as actively hating the truth. Oh, and while I used to think of him as a “casual” racist, he has turned out to be a de facto combined

Oh, I read it as a milder version of Kelly’s expression. We’ll never know...

Kelly is a fucking asshole, policy-wise, so I’m a little glad he’s getting some grief here. That being said, he is also a national (International?) hero by jumping into, and staying in, this dumpster fire to try to control it. The more sane people in there trying to put out the fire, the more likely we won’t die from

Suicide by presidential fiat

According to the story, they shouted a bunch of racial epithets and then punched the black guy. They need to go to jail and get kicked out of the school. Those little princes have Rich Daddies, though, so what is a school to do, what to do...

white students were chanting “build a wall” at the Latino student center...

When I was 13, I was sitting in the library, reading. I looked up to notice an old man staring at me and jerking off. I froze. After a while, I got up to tell someone but he was gone.

David Cross can get it.