Social Justice Worrier

Six bankruptcies successful!

Trump owes millions of dollars to Russian mobsters, friends of Putin. He’s afraid for his life. Putin doesn’t have Trump by the balls; he has him by the neck.

Shitty as Sessions is, if he goes, Trump is one step closer to firing Mueller.

Seriously, disgusting inappropriate location eating GOALS.

Haha I like how long it took for the dude sitting next to him to NO THANKS and get out of his seat.

You’re so wrong about the pizza but it would be so awesomely rude and disgusting to eat on the subway that I approve.

Yes, but I just want to appreciate that the newest ode to NYC, the big shiny Spiderman movie keeps it real with

Wow. That “wins.”

Trump had his NY rally out on LI. It made total sense.

Babies are God punishing whores. What else do you need to know to legislate?

The story is that she was intentionally trying to disrupt congress, which is illegal. More difficult for her was that she was yelling stuff as she was being arrested, which, unlike laughter, is harder to spin as an involuntary response.

Seconded. Those guys often say reasonable things, but are drowned out by the claptrap surrounding. Remember, the best lies are served with a side of truth.

Only one typo, and uses a comma. Nope, does not check out.


The fewer leaks from Mueller’s team, the more our Dear senile Leader can forget that investigation exists. Let him have his handshake battles with world leaders who are on to him. I want to see the receipts. When they come out. Eventually.

The thing that gets me about Putin’s goals is, does this make Russia any better domestically or internationally? No, it does not. It seems mostly spite-driven. Fuck that guy also.

The Trumps are getting it from all sides. Not only are their close WH staff drip drip dripping, the Russians are leaking whenever it is the worst time for the Trumps. Putin is such a fake friend, I love it.

“It’s finished, let me tell you.”

Now, THIS is the “real thing” when it comes to Donald-speak.