At first I was like, this is a run-on sentence. Then I parsed it a second time, and
At first I was like, this is a run-on sentence. Then I parsed it a second time, and
Oh Michael Bay, you sweet, dumb, ok not sweet at all, lunk. I’m sure you don’t have the self-reflection to realize your sexist opinion of “female competition” has been 100% debunked by the popularity of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman among women.
i snorted out loud at your last sentence
It was originally spelled wack, and only spelled “whack” by the uncool people, but yes all the kids for an entire generation now have been spelling it wrong. It pisses me off to this day... because I am old.
I’ve seen one, the first Transformers. It was a bunch of metal click-clacking and made no sense. Megan Fox bends over a car. Don’t see any of his movies.
Guilt giggle, tee hee!
Whoops, you did say “on the say so of the president.” I mean, I wouldn’t rule it out completely, but we are definitely not there yet. Reading comprehension FAILE
Fine. Fine. Let’s mandate that at every congressional event, every single person is packing heat. Security will check at the door and make sure everyone has a piece, and supply them one if they don’t bring their own. I’m sure a shootout like this would have ended much less violently if every single person there was…
little guilt giggle
The orange shitstain-in-chief lives for the shitshow. 50% likelihood of happening.
I disagree. We are definitely living in a Tom Clancy novel right now, and I wouldn’t put it past a country of 350 million or whatever people to produce at least one asshole who’d try. Not to mention the Neo-Soviet International Polonium Crew.
Something a completely unethical, deeply stupid results-focused businessman who can’t plan ahead would do.
I dunno, he looked pretty relaxed with the Russians in the Oval Office.
I didn’t bother watching because what else could have happened? There’s no way he would implicate himself, or be made to do so. Only one option for the modern GOP: lie your ass off.
Any documentary about Alex Jones should include grieving Sandy Hook parents asking, ‘why?’
No, no, we have gotten onto a darker timeline than Idiocracy. Camacho was the smartest person on Earth at that time. We have elected one of the worst of us. Lordy, I hope there is something that will save us.
But you’re assuming people are all the same, perfectly logical, with your set of values. There are a lot of people who are vulnerable to Jones’ shtick, and this will make sure more of them can get to know what he’s about.
CNN did a write-up recasting the meeting as that scene from King Lear.
I’m a woman who likes younger men and even I’m creeped out. 10 year age gap is transgressive and bucking the patriarchy. 46 years old with someone not yet out of high school is just gross.