Any documentary about Alex Jones should include grieving Sandy Hook parents asking, ‘why?’
Any documentary about Alex Jones should include grieving Sandy Hook parents asking, ‘why?’
No, no, we have gotten onto a darker timeline than Idiocracy. Camacho was the smartest person on Earth at that time. We have elected one of the worst of us. Lordy, I hope there is something that will save us.
But you’re assuming people are all the same, perfectly logical, with your set of values. There are a lot of people who are vulnerable to Jones’ shtick, and this will make sure more of them can get to know what he’s about.
CNN did a write-up recasting the meeting as that scene from King Lear.
I’m a woman who likes younger men and even I’m creeped out. 10 year age gap is transgressive and bucking the patriarchy. 46 years old with someone not yet out of high school is just gross.
Legal doesn’t equal non-icky. There’s a reason why she’s not in jail, but there’s also a reason why I and a lot of other people are judging her. If a 46 year old male director knocked up his 16 year old star, you bet your ass I’d be judging that too.
Outpedantic-ing is the best kind of being right; sorry, “technically” folks.
I keep wondering if he was 18 yet when they first got together. Uh, hope so.
OMG who is chopping onions in here?
Not to mention “I was in shock, so all I could think of to do/say at the time was...”
starred for “wipe his ass on the curtains”
So much bad comes out of this total disinformation campaign (e.g., right wing “news” media).
The only pseudo-justification would be that some of the BLM protests have gotten violent. The real justification is that the right-wing “news” media has spun this as “only black lives matter” rather that its real meaning, “black lives also matter.”
Actual moves like Jagger
Actually yeah there was a dude who couldn’t have been more than 5'7". He had nice long hair but his face was actually deformed crooked. He was smart and Italian and he made my heart flutter.
“I enjoy spending time with my wife”
I was under the impression he was already this but glad I’m wrong
Yeah this proves intent to conduct shadiness.
Ignorance is not a valid defense.