Same. as your wife.
Same. as your wife.
Hey, man, calm down. You’re the one judging a brave thing a dude did which probably saved lives. Sure, he was drunk and maybe wouldn’t have done it sober. Who gives a shit, he still did good. Most drunk people would be running the fuck away, so his courage wasn’t all liquid.
HAHAHAHAHA I really really think Spicer just had his major payback moment. Inadvertent, perhaps, but no less wonderful.
Schumer is the top Democrat, and is from New York. Not sure if jcn-txct was trying to pull a “both sides”, but Schumer’s questioning should be golden. And this time, Trump won’t enjoy it.
I feel like Spicer was then like,
thanks for the visual
My internal dialogue: Hahahahahahaha
Not enough popcorn in the world for this wonderfulness.
Spicer seemed to agree it was official sorta ad-hoc. It didn’t seem to me that he knew he answer beforehand, but then just threw it out there in the moment. I’m sure someone will undermine that answer within 24 hours.
Yeah. Guess I should have been clearer; Spicer didn’t try to spin this into something that made sense; he just repeated verbatim Trump’s nonsense. To me that’s shade-level undermining.
I feel like this is Spicer trying to throw the administration under the bus. Which reminds me, gotta get to the supermarket ‘cuz I’m low on popcorn.
Color pictures in the Times!
If we ever have another free election, the next president will pardon her.
I’m kinda wide-eyed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ‘ing right now.
Karma sucks.
Some of the action scenes moved me to tears. So good.
He is clean, but how? I thought the white nationalists loved Russia and Putin. Probably because Bannon is a true believer instead of a profiteer.
My pet theory is Spicer has been doing what I’d do, given the opportunity: take a job in the administration, then do such a transparently shitty job that it undermines the administration. Why else hasn’t he quit yet?
Good theory, but too smart for the Donald. Remember, he is dumb and can only think one step ahead.