Social Justice Worrier

Karma sucks.

Some of the action scenes moved me to tears. So good.

He is clean, but how? I thought the white nationalists loved Russia and Putin. Probably because Bannon is a true believer instead of a profiteer.

My pet theory is Spicer has been doing what I’d do, given the opportunity: take a job in the administration, then do such a transparently shitty job that it undermines the administration. Why else hasn’t he quit yet?

Good theory, but too smart for the Donald. Remember, he is dumb and can only think one step ahead.

OTOH, Bannon is a vengeful, hateful guy with nothing to live for. He wants to burn down society for... what I assume are personal reasons. If he hates Jared, he’ll want to destroy Jared, without much care to what to happens to himself. That’s probably also why he didn’t get in on the Russia stuff. Bannon’s not in it

I farted while giving you this star.

THAT would be a party I’d be sad not to be invited to.

I expect radio silence from this administration.

100% yes, and obvious. What are the chances it was deliberately written in such a non-Trump voice so his white nationalist base would be signaled he was not sincere. That considering the delay in reacting combined with the non sincere tone, Trump is not behind the tweet.

Came here to make this comment. She looks too fucking good and it’s bringing her to tears.

God bless the Irish and their word ways.

He’s not doing it for nothing. Right now that direct line connecting his private server to that Russian bank is lighting the fuck UP. Boy is gonna get PAID.

Our best intelligence source within ISIS has already been totally borked. Too late

It’s not even on opening weekend. It’s a Tuesday night, so just a way to fill a theater on an off-time. It is literally just a party for women to enjoy a finally good (hopefully) superhero movie of our own. It’s not an advance screening or any other “unfair” advantage. These crybabies are sobbing wetly over nothing.

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

See, this is why I feel that 50 shades is a lying liar. Someone who is brave enough to stay behind and help, isn’t someone who would think that the person they rescued should then turn around put themselves in danger again.

This is not... the level of nuance we need to be showing on the world stage.

Look how stupid his face is after he finishes the shoving. “I got to the front! I’M the biggest boy now!” He’s so proud of himself that his face tops his own previous record for punchability.

Once GRRM stopped working on the show, the showrunners started neglecting this stuff. But that’s part of what makes this show awesome, the getting into the nitty gritty of ruling a country.