Yeah, it’s hard to make fun of Ivanka’s looks, but I have certainly seen people try.
Yeah, it’s hard to make fun of Ivanka’s looks, but I have certainly seen people try.
Ugh, you know he does. I mean she is obviously a gold digger of the most obvious variety, but also, she is scared shitless of him. What kind of malignant narcissist would he be if he didn’t beat his own property?
And I’m going to prove Major Lazar wrong by pointing out that lots of women are dependent on their abusers and stay with them. Doesn’t make them not victims.
Spicey tip: if you turn off the lights, he won’t be able to see where to grab.
No, the Democrats in all their organizational genieus mobilized millions of illegal immigrants (not physically possible, but would be a gargantuan effort larger than running the election in several states) to vote for them... in safe blue states.
No, unfortunately all of my lovely liberal friends’ parents (we are all kids of Asian immigrants, btw) voted for Trump. Also my otherwise nice uncle and everyone on Long Island and almost all of the people in Pennsylvania I talked to during a “get out the vote” drive I did for Hillary (note that we were given names &…
To be fair to Trump, this is how all dictators operate, not just Hitler.
But they will only report those registered as Democrat and ignore the Republican ones, thus supporting their original assertions.
Dude, I already know the findings in advance. C’mon, we all know how this will pan out: a bunch of stuff that supports Trump 100% and implicates Democrats 100% but mentions 0% of Republicans doing the same things.
Hahahaha 0% likelihood of anything other than 3 million fake Democratic votes coming out of this commission. I guess barring that they might gently suggest we do racial profiling at polling places, “just to be sure”.
Muslim registry? Shit, we’re so fucked until Trump is removed from office.
I wonder if Ryan & McConnell are on the ruskie payroll as well. They have been obstructing pretty hard for people who would benefit from having Pence in office.
Putin must love this because it will further erode our faith in our democratic process. What a good big boy you are, Donald!
If this commission is appointed by trump, I expect completely biased findings. 100% only dead Democrats were left on unscrubbed lists, 0 Republicans. Because once you vote Republican, YOU’LL NEVER DIE, BELIEVE ME.
You and me, bud. You and me.
Well, but he does understand how propaganda works. That is the only thing he understands, but he sure has a knack for it.
They’ll never release information implicating Republicans in this fraud. It’ll be a list of all dead Democrats who were never scrubbed from the voter rolls, never mind the equal number of dead Republicans also on the rolls.
Funnily enough, this is how many people on the right view the Russia investigation. They think the Democrats are keeping the investigation going until they find something, anything and slap it on the administration.
Yeah, but people are saying this! Why would they say it if it’s not true?!
Yeah because the Democrats decided to organize a gargantuan illegal vote drive... in safe blue states. FUCK LOGIC