Brenda's Private Swing

Hi! Single working mother here! I keep reading a lot of articles like these about how women balance work and parenting in positive and negative ways. Many of the articles do not take into account single parents. Who is there to balance my work and home life? Who is there to keep up the home while the breadwinner wins

Death: Jorah Mormont!!! Hes not on your list and he had the biggest boner for Dany since episode #1!!!

Correct! I work in property management in Washington and have at times had to trespass individuals (usually homeless unfortunately). I have to show that this person did not have a valid reason to be on the premises for business with the office or with the permission of a resident of the building before police will act

I work in property management and we would never allow renters to do handiwork around the building in exchange for rent. There are so many liabilities with that! What happens if they fall off a ladder or something? They’re not covered by workers comp! They’re not covered by their own insurance like a vendor would be.

I absolutely loved the 1998 film with Liam Neeson, Uma Therman, and Claire Danes. I’ve never been a fan of musicals and love a period drama! This PBS/BBC mini series is right up my alley! No singing, all costumes!

I saw this in the theater with my boyfriend at the time and we got in a huge fight about it afterward. The fight, our differing reactions to the movie, all of the aftermath colored my opinion of this movie so much that I can’t enjoy it. I should, and did, but I can’t now. Its still one of those little things I’m

We’re seeing the squeeze in Seattle. Washington state has a ban on rent control and Seattle has seen such a tremendous jump in average rent rates and new construction in the past 5 years that the city doesn’t look the same at all. Many lower income residents have been simply forced out to the suburbs, which are

I met a guy through some friends. We were vibing hard until a friend we were with made some little joke that made light of the fact that I’m Jewish. He turned cold and said “Your Jewish? Like... how Jewish?” I responded “Jewish enough.” Turns out he used to run with skinheads and had neo-nazi tattoos. I think it was

Eric Idle looks like Russel Brand in this picture! Ha!

Same with pregnant women. Nobody has the right to touch my belly, rub my tummy, or grab my hands and pray for my child. Nope!!!

haven’t you seen the internet? They’re all busy doing lip-sync videos!
Sorry, no time to investigate your sexual assault. I’ve got to dance awkwardly to a Justin Timberlake song while my buddy rides a motorcycle in circles and the swat team rappels down from the side of the building in tutus. Have fun with your PTSD!

There is a grocery store in Seattle that has a play area. You can check in your kids for up to 2 hours I think and as long as you dont leave the store you’re good! We used to drop off my step son, drink coffee and eat a bagel in relative peace, then reluctantly buy the groceries before time was up. It’s been a while

Took Cipro once back in 2002 for a UTI and broke out in hives. Still my only allergy listed on medical forms. Glad I didn't have worse side effects!

We used to meet regularly at Starbucks to do custody exchange with my step son. Usually didn’t order anything, used the restroom, and were in the store for an hour sometimes with an infant and a rambunctious 5 year old. Nobody called the cops on us... because we’re white. Nobody batted an eye. I know for a fact that

I was cheated on at 9 months pregnant. It fucking sucks. And it made my birth experience awful because there was a lot of missing trust when I was in a very vulnerable state. I kept a lot of it from my family at the time so I can’t imagine how Khloe is handling this with the whole world watching and judging.
I’m not

My daughter was the same age as Holly when this episode aired and she was at her dad’s house that night. I bawled like crazy watching Skyler run after Walt and collapse in the street. Fuck Walt forever for that tremendous dick move.

I’m making 2 lasagnas this year. Ham and turkey can both fuck right off.

Exactly! I went to SSU and have friends and family who have evacuated and lost their homes. This is not a hillside rural fire, this has destroyed a city. So sad!

I was cheated on by my husband when I was 9 months pregnant. Same boat as question 1, no financial or physical way to leave him so we tried to work it out. We split when my daughter was almost a year old because he cheated again.

My sister told me to use coconut oil to shave my legs. My tub got so slippery from the oil residue I nearly killed myself slipping out of the tub. I had to scrub everything clean before my next shower so I didn’t die. Coconut Oil: murderer of wet people.