Craig Wack

Wow it's a whole new opportunity for the Arrow writers to make Laurel the worst.

New Canary is now "Temporary Canary" for sure.

Agreed. How many times did a henchman totally have the drop on her only to be bailed out by Felicity hitting the henchman with the black van?

The bank robbery was a way to help another broken hearted hero (Wally). Barry benched Wally at the end of last week's episode, so the robbery was a chance give Wally some confidence back.

I agree with you @avclub-c7ab07e6f90617d938c678cda54e7f57:disqus. Compressed prep time, on the fly choreography and minimal budget are no excuse for Iron Fist's fight scenes being total garbage up and down the line.

That's the Hong Kong style. Daniel Wu of Into the Badlands has said in interviews they prepped for Seasons 1 and 2 with about a month of "fight camp" to train and most of the fight choreography was figured out day of the shoot.

And Iris went to her job? Maybe the byline changed because Iris spent too much time at STAR Labs and got her ass fired.

Or tell the accountants not to tweet pictures of the winners backstage, which is what the Wall Street Journal is reporting happened.

There are briefcases on each side of the stage in case the stage directions change during the show. It is surprising that there isn't a clipboard carrying stagehand who doesn't confirm the envelope matches the award scheduled to be handed out.

Except for Jimmy who wasn't there and nobody missed him.

It felt like she had her energy/performance level set at community theater big. If she dials it back a touch, it will be fine.

Female performers were considered part of the set design back in those days.

They do. Superman was shown and Batman was referenced on Supergirl this season. Now they exist on Earth-38 or whatever - but as a Berlanti show, it's in the Berlanti universe.

Pre-Oscar, pre-Marvel. Needed a non inde role to, you know, pay the rent.

Her dad is a Murican from Kansas. She a bi-citizenual.

The masked henchman had kind of a Sportsmaster vibe to him, which is appropriate given that Artemis is a character this year.

Yeah but you really want to vibe whatever naked bongo nonsense that version of Welles would be doing?

At the rate Conviction is tanking, Hayley Atwell will soon have plenty of time to film a cameo.

I'd also like to see how the zombies are faring in the northern climes. Given that the human body is mostly water, you'd assume the zombies north of the Mason-Dixon would be either severely damaged or liquefied by lengthy exposure to sub freezing temps.