Craig Wack

Accomplishing that seems like a superpower to me.

That was a company vehicle.

Financial trouble doesn't mean you can't get rich. Marissa Mayer ran Yahoo into the ground and walked away with $23 million for her efforts.

Without the wealth Batman has to Uber around Gotham City. Not as intimidating showing up at the Joker's hideout in someone else's 2009 Kia Rio.

Batman's superpower is unimaginable wealth.

It totally fits what they are doing with her, fits the world and makes Saul's druggie connections all the more tragic

She also lost track of what day it was last episode and before that they showed Kim sleeping at the office and showering at the gym.

Either that or they will make her a meth addict.

Steve Sax at it again?

If you drive an hour or so south of Cape you can eat at Lambert's in Sikeston.

I think it's because it's been difficult to duplicate Kaley Cuoco's general lack of a bra.

Oscar ceremonies are like the 1970s, if you can remember them, you weren't really there.

The dog's name clearly didn't have enough fire shooting out of it, so it had to be changed.

Oh they know geezers buy shit. The problem is that geezers buy the same shit they've been buying for 25-plus years. No amount of flashy advertising or Kardashian endorsements will change their minds.

The old school Taco Bells are also distinctive when repurposed.

Or Community

I don't care what galaxy you are from if given the choice between hot bacon and a grape, you take the bacon.

FALSE!! Yes she screamed bacon but actually ate two grapes. It's happened through the whole series. Pizza, one bite then spends the rest of the time pushing the slice around on her plate. Ice Cream again, whole pint, one spoonful then nothing but stirring after. She talks a good food game but Kara is a faker.

Given that Benoist and Wood are a thing behind the scenes too, chances are pretty good he's gonna stick around.

Her habit of hitting people with the rubber handle was funny.