Craig Wack

Roy "I Left the Show for That Sweet Freemium Game Money" Harper

I remember the bad guys routinely getting the drop on Laurel, only to have her bailed out by Diggle or Felicity in a van.

Roy "It's Not a Fight Until I Get Tranqed" Harper

Chick-fil-A always scored points with me because it is one of the few places that don't dress their chicken sandwiches. There is never the disappointment of finding disgusting white devil sauce on your sandwich despite you distinctly saying "no mayo" while ordering.

Anti-gravity breasts are a more common superpower than you think.

The two problems with your recipe are "cabbage" and "mayo." Everything else about it sounds delicious.

I'm convinced that cole slaw is actually a joke food product designed to get rid of excess cabbage and mayo that backfired horribly.

There are nearly 30 In-N-Outs in Texas now. That is their easternmost outpost.

In the South, we pronounce that "Krystal"

And the Stone Free Jimi Hendrix covers album. Tanya Donelly asking if I am experienced makes college me still tingle in places.

All that patented Zack Snyder slow mo does add to the run time.

What happened to Barris? When did we stop calling it Barris? .. I miss the Gong Show.

Mmmm corned beef and Kung Fu.

And the special needs nice twin locked in the basement.

Scruffy takes umbrage at your suggestion.
**turns page of magazine**

How did Kodos or Kang not make the list?

MSG (the building, not the seasoning) is indirectly named after James Madison.

Cape stains don't come out by themselves.

Doesn't want Batman to be confused with a Droog

True love