Craig The Hunter

Great job keeping Celina Jade's name out of the opening credits. Total WTF moment for me. Really strong episode, looks to have set up the end of the season nicely.

Holy shit that was awesome. That felt like a season finale and there's still eight episodes to go.

That "Gene jacket" gag was utterly perfect.

What a fantastic season.

Jonathan Banks wins the Emmy for that final scene alone, never mind the rest of the episode. Masterful hour of TV.

Dakota Johnson managed to remind me why I fell in love with her in Ben and Kate. She's adorable.

What a lovely ending for the show.

So many great jokes.

One of the laugh out loud funniest episodes of Girls.

The present day stuff was largely great. Loved seeing Slade again, even if he was underused. The action was great, and yet again another big revelation for Thea. She's gonna be suited up as Speedy by season's end, right?

Oh my Grodd. Telepathic Grodd. Oh my my my

That's the best episode this show has ever done. Season four has been remarkable thus far.

Ilana's face when she realised Abbi was Val was such a funny visual that I had to pause the episode.

Oh I wish I could have put it that elequantly. Nothing more to add, that was pretty much perfectly said.

One of my favourite episodes Arrow has ever done, and I'm of the opinion that this is one of the very best shows on TV consistently. There were a lot of things going on but every single note hit. Absolutely fantastic stuff from start to finish.

Oh, Marnie. My sweet, naive little Marnie.

Brilliant again. So consistently excellent this year.

They're really on fre so far this season. Another cracker.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Did not see that coming.