Always nice for a “console war” to end in a peaceful resolution.
Always nice for a “console war” to end in a peaceful resolution.
I get what you’re saying, and I’m don’t think you’re wrong but I really hate messing around with electronics. The idea of installing a new graphics card is to me about as appealing as a root canal. I want plug and play and consoles offer me exactly that at a fraction of the cost of having someone else build a PC for…
So like, two months worth of content to last the year instead of one?
I feel the opposite: the list of reasons to own a gaming PC grows shorter each generation. I can literally do everything I do on a PC on a console or phone now (aside from a few PC exclusives, and if they’re good they usually get a console port anyway). And the console is cheaper and I’d have the phone anyway. My…
You didn’t really come off as anything negative, I was just being cautious so I don’t. Apparently I tend to.
Glad you said it. “If I can’t be one of the select few that has it, then I just don’t want it. Sharing great experiences with the masses is for losers.”
I’m with mister nefarious on this one. There’s no reason to be sad that pc owners get to play it too. I don’t cry over the nvidia shield every night because I don’t have one. Either buy the thing your missing or don’t be annoyed that you have to share. Pc gamers pay a lot more for their rigs so it’s nice when they…
Oh I wasn’t either, man. If I came off as snippy that wasn’t what I meant.
You mean like actually play a game day 1....yeah um I don’t remember ever hearing about console releases that do not function whatsoever on day one..
If they are forced to make a choice, they want that choice to mean something.
How is it a “bait and switch” in the usually negative way the term is used and understood?
Of course it is.
Yes, I can agree that time exclusive DLC are beyond dumb. That practice should die, along with store exclusive DLC (unless it’s some silly DLC costume with their brand logo on it).
yeah um I don’t remember ever hearing about console releases that do not function whatsoever on day one...
I didn’t say it was untrue, I said it was absurd.
exist largely
I can’t believe that there are still people out there who want video game exclusivity. It doesn’t help anyone, and only serves to feed the ego of people religiously defending their platform of preference.
Caps Lock: Now cruise control for loading.
I miss that game. I played it for a while but ultimately it just fell short. Especially with how OP Kratos was for low to mid level play.
He’s probably on a pachinko machine somewhere...