Little did anyone know five years ago all they had to do was wait it out - the “Destiny killer” would just end up being Bungie themselves.
Little did anyone know five years ago all they had to do was wait it out - the “Destiny killer” would just end up being Bungie themselves.
Would not have cared at all about choosing a new face if they didn’t make Peter look like he was still in High school coaching a younger Spiderman who looks older than him.
Yeah the algorithm largely sucks, but also the complete absence of a desktop app keeps me from absentmindedly browsing like Twitter does.
Apparently there is one now.
“The Crows Perch in Velen, a notorious fast-travel pain point early in the game, still remains bewilderingly outside the Bloody Baron’s fort.”
I refuse to buy another Splinter Cell (even this remake) ever since I played 75% through Blacklist, a uPlay update corrupted my save so I had to start over, and I did - and then the ending cutscene wouldn’t play, that I then had to look up on Youtube just to see what happened.
If I play SC Remake, I’m boarding a pirate…
What part of “It’s halfway between 1080P and 4K and much easier to run higher FPS than 4K” is hard to understand about “Why”?
Can anyone at Kotaku confirm if the PC version has Dualsense controller support while wired? As in, all the haptics and speaker output support and stuff? I’ve been curious, I’m enjoying it on PS5 but if I could also play this on my PC with the full controller experience I wouldn’t be upset.
Yeah I just went and confirmed, at least on PC with an Xbox controller, there’s no added rumble functionality while driving. Controller is limper than a dead fish except when you hit road bumps/crash/etc.
Okay, maybe I slightly over-exaggerated, but there’s definitely no trigger feedback, no speaker, and the most it “rumbles” for me when I’m driving is when I hit a bump in the road or crash. Definitely nothing that sounds as immersive as this article is making it out to be.
I have an Xbox controller and it doesn’t do half of what the PS5 haptics do.
Yeah she’s been up to a lot since then (clearly, holding Razer’s feet to the fire being the most recent). There were no big end results for her, sadly, as most of the tech blog community seemed perfectly happy to rally against her and keep any accountability from ever being held.
Because Razer made a Pro version that debuted at CES and was getting lots of coverage, Naomi started @ing every tech site that posted what were obviously press release from Razer posts holding their feet to the fire.
Naomi also has a lot to say about how she believes YT intentionally hampers her channel’s reach.
Maybe not the best article to link as Naomi has a huge bone to pick with Vice over their coverage of her. Obviously not blaming you, as it’s a bit obscure unless you’ve been following her for awhile.
So he had the stones to say something when it was Konami attacking his personal friend, but god forbid he stand up for the other thousands of developers he doesn’t know personally.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt this way. Trailer? Excellent. Music? God awful.
It reminds me of the Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins bit where Jack Garland plays Limp Bizkit and walks out.