
Good to know, thanks for letting me know.

I think (ironically) you have to beat the shitty chapter 13 to play the improved Chapter 13. but I’m not 100%

It came as a free update, not included with the other DLC. It’s supposedly shorter and improved but I haven’t personally played it yet myself.

Have you tried the “updated” Chapter 13 they added later?

My friend’s running on a 980 and we found out the TRAM setting would cause a a huge amount of stutter if turned up too high on cards with slower/less VRAM. Maybe try turning that setting down?

Every convention has different rules. However, every convention typically posts their weapon and prop policy on their website. If there’s a con you are planning on attending to cosplay at, best to do is to check their website for their prop policy to find out if your prop will be flagged as acceptable or not.

3 Pieces of Gear

It’s impossible for me to hear the Colonel and not hear Snake’s peppered unnecessary questions in the middle of the schpeels. Lol

And Snake’s responses as follows.
At 0:09:
“Information Warfare?”

At 0:28
“The Translator Project?!”

I’d like to know what level of constant temptation is justification for infidelity. As a point of reference.

God. Damn.

Exactly what I’m trying to get at, thank you.

I’m not discounting his merits as a successful streamer - Whatever he’s doing, he’s doing right to draw in the viewers. Just saying it’s pretty telling of the culture surrounding this how easily forgiven it is by his fanbase just because of how popular his content is. No different than an actor like Johnny Depp being

Don’t get me wrong - I’ve watched most of his stuff, huge fan of Firefly and Dollhouse and Dr. Horrible and other works of his, but I admit there’s a big inner struggle in me between enjoying some of his better work and acknowledging that he’s a highly problematic individual who painted himself for years as a geek

I’d like to think we are, but internet culture suggests otherwise.

So after two days of people blowing up my notifications about this post, I just want to say two things.

I hope it makes you extra angry that not only will I not “shut the fuck up,” I will continue to stupidly respond to every comment on my original stupid post, including your stupid comment on my original stupid post.

sounds like you are following a few jealous streamers then. Not everything has to come down gender

I suppose I just feel it’s less “between him and his wife” than would be usual for most other people since he did make it publicly known on the internet, and then made a big deal of leaving/coming back.

Certainly not unreasonable to kick some money his way if you’re enjoying the content.