Not sure why your post is in the greys, but I appreciate the commentary that isn’t a thousand of male apologists and people calling me a cuck, so, I’m starring you to bring it out.
Not sure why your post is in the greys, but I appreciate the commentary that isn’t a thousand of male apologists and people calling me a cuck, so, I’m starring you to bring it out.
Donations and subs from the same people who would turn around and doxx them, send them death threats or sexually explicit messages, etc.
“Happened” as if female streamers don’t undergo regular harassment without being as popular as this guy, and don’t get regularly crucified on the internet for doing something even remotely unpopular.
It really isn’t though.
I don’t actually, and I don’t take anyone seriously who uses the term “white knight” or “cuck” unironically.
Hardly one of a kind to be a “pretend” douchetool on the internet.
It’s not a matter of surprise, just more continued disappointment.
Saw it pointed out on Twitter by a few female streamers I follow that had it been a female popular streamer that this happened to, they would most likely have had a much... less welcoming return party.
When did they ditch rain and fog? I mean I haven’t seen them lately but I was under the impression they were still in the game.
There is tons of info, but the community is responsive if you have specific questions too. The game is really pretty, but yeah the requirements are low specifically because, like real space, there’s a lot of nothing out there, so your most intense (graphically) spots are going to be near unique star formations,…
For what it’s worth, every time I leave and come back to the game, I ask for some tips at /r/elitedangerous and get tons of helpful advice. One of the truly great reddit communities.
How would these rate against the 598s?
How would these rate against the 598s?
I’m a little annoyed that *only* Tower is getting text chat.
Don’t worry, Insane Franchise Sequel #6 will still use the same janky engine with FPS caps, bad physics and playdough faces as their last game released in 2011, if the developer in question sticks to their track record.
Lol this is awesome. Love pieces like this, would love to see more stuff like it! :)
You guys are way overthinking it.
Probably around when most of your face is covered by a (or several) prosthetic(s)?
Goddamnit. Have your star.
It was only a 24 hour ban.