
There's the eye thing as well.

I thought it meant Moronic Asshole Golfing Again.

There is no Alt-Left.

There is also the very real possibility that all the main characters get killed by the end.

The opening scene was perfect at capturing the frustrating process of being a writer.

It was the division patch for the 82nd Airborne.

Not only is that funny but there is also a bit of truth to that.

The best description I've seen of the first two movies is that Alien was the haunted house and Aliens was the roller coaster.

As if anyone from the Jail Blazers would end up anywhere else.

The person who you are responding to is either a fascist or a troll, handle him as such and you'll be happier for it.

The Head of the FBI improperly injected his personal opinions into proceeding in an unprecedented manner. And still got flamed by the very Republican party he was pandering to when he did that.

I don't know, this seems like this changes one of the most shattering endings ever put into a movie. Yeah, they made it turns to WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED! in seconds and everyone dies. Why try to change that?

The Gods of irony smiled on us for this one. "The Battle of the Bastards" is airing on Fathers Day.

It probably wouldn't work and anti tank rockets aren't available so you'd be totally boned if you tried.

You left out the part where the Hound stole Lem's boots while he was still kicking. A totally cold move and no one in the Brotherhood said anything.

X Company

I don't know if anyone caught this but the two guitars stolen in this episode were just decent used guitars in 1974. However today a blond Telecaster from the 50s would have a street price of $15,000+ and a sunburst Les Paul from the same era, $30,000+.

They will probably get around to explaining it. Yes, she would be somewhat of an anomaly if her family came from China, but not one that's unheard of particularly in a place like Paris in this era. She could just as easily be from South Asia or even parts of Eastern Europe. The Huns and the forebears of the Prussians

Having dealt with religious conservatives, though not of the LDS variety, I've found that they can rationalize nearly anything. And yes, when they think they are about to get get caught they do tend to get violent.

The show hasn't declined in quality. The segment of the audience that expects S3 to be exactly the same as S1 always bitches and moans about this and most every other show.