
Cobain the moaning whiner didn't save Rock, he invented emo. That miserable twit had to go around pissing in everyone else's pool and ushered in nearly a decade of truly lousy music. He was the prototype of the annoying hipster begging to be thrown into traffic. The ONLY genuine artistic expression EVER made by him

I first got turned onto music when a cousin left Iron Maiden's Stranger in a Strange Land in the glove box of my father's car. This was my first entry into Metal. This also when my musical aspirations turned to playing electric guitar.

There are a lot of movies that I watched were like that. Yes, fridge horror can set in years, even decades, later.

The entire show is about the mystery from the first few minutes of the pilot. What you are complaining about is the advancement of the central plot.

Hipsters deserve every bit of bashing that they get and then some.

Funny how you were singing a very different tune last year.

War plan Red, from sometime in the 1930s, a hypothetical war with the British Empire. War plan Crimson, a component of plan Red was the invasion and occupation of Canada.

Is Vikings worth watching? YES!

A remake of the 1953 film Stalag 17. Remove some of the campier elements, depict their links to the outside world being severed one by one as winter closes in on the camp, all while it's become clear that a spy is hiding amongst them…..

Any show on at 10PM, Tuesday night is going to struggle for renewal. It would be crazy to axe it for that reason.