Craig Michael Ranapia

I’ll have to take your word for it, but I can’t for the life me understand why so many showrunners don’t get that in this age of ‘Peak TV’ you don’t get the luxury of learning on the job any more. Fair or not, if you’re not bringing your A-game up front (or at least a good enough B-game to pique people’s interest)

Barker himself said that a big problem was people were very much much expecting something tonally identical to Hellraiser - which is a pretty straight up and down horror film - which was exactly what he didn’t want to do with Nightbreed. I think he once described it as an inverted fairy tale where the monsters are the

Uh, (not) sorry to be that guy but Cabal is actually a novel. A relatively short one by Barker’s standards, and one that IIRC was packaged with several short stories in some editions but still a novel.

Why would she? Everything we’ve seen of Moira in Canada is a woman in a state of profound (and entirely predictable) PTSD from being well... abducted, tortured, forced into ritual rape and then prostitution, under constant threat of being shipped off to certain death in a concentration camp on top of a toxic waste

Oh, I totally see this show copping out and giving Serena Joy some kind of absolution for her utter and willing complicity in Gilead. And that will be the point where I throw the television through the nearest window because sorry... I’m not here for the frankly sexist denial of agency that radical right-wing women

TBH. I’d throw the television through the nearest closed window if they go for a bullshit cop-out like that. Is it really so hard to accept that Serena Joy is totally complicit in Gilead, and all she really cares about is keeping her arse out of the Colonies and off the wall?

I don’t know — no matter how good your intel is the one factor you can never predict is the human one. Hey, given what they know about Serena Joy it was a reasonable play to make. But for me Serena Joy is the embodiment of what someone said is the aim of any totalitarian state — to make the secret police unnecessary

For a start because very few (if any) of the refugees are Handmaids — and Moira doesn’t exactly want to go on the chatshow circuit. If the flashback to Emily being separated from her wife and child at the airport is any indication, most of the people who were able to leave were foreign nationals and NOT fertile women.

Standing sets, limited cast, perhaps being able to cut time off the shooting schedule and post and put it elsewhere. And the FX budget for this could still be lower than a standard episode.

Indeed - and let’s cash the reality check here. The British Broadcasting Corporation doesn’t need to get caught in the middle of another scandal around *cough* corporate enabling of abusive men on the payroll.

Uh, OK... now let’s come back to Earth. “The Internet” didn’t sever their professional relationships with Chris Hardwick. Nerdist’s proprietors, AMC and Comic-Con did. And why? Because being associated with abusive and creepy men isn’t the big nothing-burger it used to be. It harms their business, and as many people

Nothing has happened to “innocent until proven guilty” because it doesn’t exist. The legal principle of item quilbet presumitur innocens nisi probetur nocens is still alive and well, and if Hardwick is charged with a crime he is still perfectly entitled to the legal presumption of innocence until the prosecution makes

Yeah, and you know what? If The Expanse has been pulling Game of Thrones/The Walking Dead-in-its-ratings-prime numbers for SyFy then that deal would have worked out just fine. I know trashing “the suits” is the only politically correct blood sport left, but I say kudos to SyFy for rolling the dice and turning out a

Exactly, and hell... I love The Expanse and think it’s just levelled up season-on-season but it just wasn’t pulling the kind of audience that would have made the deal work for Syfy. I’m probably going to break the internet for saying this, but I sincerely don’t think there are any bad guys here.

Exactly — I don’t see Berlanti ever sitting around twiddling his thumbs or working for scale. :) I’ve also seen reports that while, as you say, back-end points are potentially a tidy earner for Berlanti the way this deal is structured has considerable tax advantages for both him and his production company. (A nice fat

No you didn’t — they’re doing a complete reset and ignoring all the sequels.

Yes - Berlanti has a separate film development deal with Fox.

Indeed - and as I understand the deal a very large chunk of it is Warners buying Berlanti’s backend points on most of the shows he produces, which can become a serious wad of long-term cash when shows head into syndication.

Greg Berlanti has his name on a lot more shows than the DCTVU — and he’s had a long relationship with Warners, and as I understand the deal a very large chunk of it is they’re buying out his back-end profit participation which can turn into a very large chunk of change when shows head into syndication. (Law & Order is

Yeah, it sounds really impressive — because it is — but as I read it Warner Brothers have very basically bought out his back-end profit participation points on most of the shows he produces. Which potentially means WB will net a lot more in the long term when they hit syndication.