I’m happy to admit that I’m well in the minority who found Infinity War an infinite bore. I think this and Deadpool 2 are in just the right place for Marvel comic book movies that, yeah, aren’t taking themselves quite so seriously.
I’m happy to admit that I’m well in the minority who found Infinity War an infinite bore. I think this and Deadpool 2 are in just the right place for Marvel comic book movies that, yeah, aren’t taking themselves quite so seriously.
OK, back in the real world there are plenty of authors who write under pseudonyms. Hell, my favourite novelist (Jane Austen) never had any of her books published under her own name during her lifetime because it wasn’t considered respectable for a woman of her class and background to be known to work at all, let alone…
Not necessarily. You can be a “visionary” and an “auteur” and still work more or less within corporate bounds — the thing is you’re exceedingly unlikely to be the next Stanley Kubrick.
I’d also argue its not unrelated that from day one Call The Midwife (and its majority-female producers) made a conscious and unapologetic decision to hire women writers and directors. Across all seven series, the majority of writers have been women and there has been gender-parity of directors.
Nah, I wouldn’t assume anything. Thompson isn’t exactly sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, but that’s when you have people to help you figure out your schedule. :)
I have a funny feeling most of that talent will barely be doing cameos, and paid accordingly while a good chunk of the salary bill on this will be laid off on back-end profit participation.
I get where you’re coming from, but I don’t think Ezra was “disconnected from the story by mystery” at all. This act of his journey comes to a conclusion — and, yes, it’s one that isn’t awkwardly jammed into some giga-franchise over-narrative.
Uh, I’m going to counter-hot take here. Kira doesn’t want to be on Deep Space Nine any more than Sisko does (and boy does he ever make sure everyone knows it).
I’ve got a very simple solution for this nonsense. If you’re an Academy member you won’t be issued with tickets to the ceremony (or access to any of the official after-parties) or have your ballot counted until you produce ticket stubs to prove you’ve seen every nominee in every catergory you’re eligible to vote on.
Uh, you think a multi-national American media corporation isn’t very specifically a tool of a “dominant” culture?
It doesn’t look that bad to me either, but I’m still struggling to see what Goodkind thought would be achieved by taking a public dump on an illustrator who was working to a brief. As Deharme this should have been thrashed out in private between adults from the start.
Point taken - OTOH, I rather like that Okoye and Nakia aren’t sexless cyphers but they’re not ultimately defined by their girlfriend status. We actually know Okoye is, for want of a better word, more of a traditionalist than Nakia or even, arguably, TChalla himself. Being Dora Milage isn’t just a job to her — her…
Don’t disagree with you — but I also like not having every character beat spelled out in seventy foot high flashing neon by people who assume I’m way too stupid and lazy to have been paying attention for the last two hours.
Today’s standing reminder: The B in LGBT is for BISEXUAL.
I’d sure love it if American pundits would stop being so damn lazy and entitled, and take about oh... thirty seconds to do very basic homework on why the British Royal Family takes some pains to respect constitutional norms and conventions. I know it must be challenging when your current head of state and his children…
If ignoring lying racist trolls in the hope they’d just fuck off and drop dead worked... Well, it doesn’t so thanks for playing.
Sure - but personally I’m totally here for “credit where due” and like a lot of people here I don’t think queer-baiting or queer tokenism is much of an advance on total erasure.
OK, that’s your read and I’m sure you’re making it in good faith. But, boy, I’m worried but pissed off and bored by people who are playing this tune in the very worse of bad faith.
#notallnerdboys, am I right?
Awe, nerd-boys who protest they’re not sexist but feel compelled to make every discussion of nerd boy sexism about them. Hash tag #notallnerds...