I’ll give you a string of reasons why Thanos would send troops to Wakanda even if the Soul Stone isn’t there.
I’ll give you a string of reasons why Thanos would send troops to Wakanda even if the Soul Stone isn’t there.
There is, in passing, in the opening narration / bedtime story. when this giant mountain of Vibranium hit it “changed the land” - and as we also discover, it’s Wakanda’s best kept secret that Vibranium isn’t just Titanium on steroids.
Yeah, you know what you could be right. But I’m not here for lectures on historical sensitivity in pop culture from a country where Bright got out of development hell. You know, that movie where Will Smith actually said the words “Fairy lives don’t matter” before beating Tinkerbell to death and that wasn’t even the…
Wow, thanks for dismissing an episode I personally considered a pretty damn sensitive and nuanced treatment of mental illness as “cute”. Then double down with the pretty offensive presumption that English people couldn’t possibly treat the struggle for civil rights with any care.
Fair enough, and I take your point. But let me put the contrary argument: I don’t give people cookies for taking a decade to get around to the bare minimum. And I’m sorry if you read as “overtly negative” when people point out the simple matter of fact that Marvel decided fast-tracking a Spider-Man three-boot was a…
Sure, I can see where you’re coming from but I look at it from a slightly different angle.
I’m seeing plenty of a much younger Han Solo — what I’m not seeing is a half-arsed Harrison Ford impersonation, which I’m very happy with.
I don’t know if you can really compare a one-off movie and what could turn into a continuing series, but it strkes me as a pretty smart move for Jones to make this a British-German co-production and partner up with Berlin’s Studio Babelsberg. Whatever the budget, subsidies and tax breaks for film production in Berlin…
Uh, I’m also gay and this is a very bad thing when it’s wrapped around a lot of gross and dangerous tropes that in effect say “lying, manipulation and, hell, even downright stalking are adorkably romantic.”
Thanks for your feedback. Go troll someone else who gives a shit.
Oh, you’re getting no argument from me there. I liked it a lot — it’s visually stunning, and if Roger Deakins doesn’t finally walk away with a long-overdue Oscar I’m going to “retire” someone. But I also thought some of Ridley Scott’s criticisms were fair too (the pacing was uneven, to put it politely) but damn I just…
Sure, Ridds. Now, why the hell would anyone want to give you the opportunity when you’ve just been merrily trashing Blade Runner 2049 and blaming its commercial failure on everyone else?
As far as I can read this, I suspect a major factor is because Singer practically had no role on Legion they could legally fire him from so they could remove the credit.
I’m sure this will come as a great surprise to Disney whose third year of global box office exceeding US $5 billion was lead by The Last Jedi - which is less than ten minutes shorter than Blade Runner 2049.
When it comes to bad manners, could you convince Sexy to stop exploding in the console room? It makes a dreadful mess and being on fire is no picnic either.
Oh, I think that’s part of it. Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner were blunt that the only reason the Tardis didn’t get a make-over for the 10th Doctor was that there was no way in hell the BBC would sign off on replacing an expensive, large and only standing set after one series.
It’s relevant because every fucking time there’s a story here about abusive men there’s someone like you coming along to wring their hands about what a terrible impact this will have on the perpetrators. It’s nothing new (we went through this when conventions started getting called on piss-weak responses to harassment…
Out of curiosity, are you as anguished about people in the film and television industry whose careers are ended when they fail workplace drug/alcohol tests, who can’t get hired in their chosen fields because a background check has revealed convictions for (say) financial dishonest or other offences that may well be in…
Your standing reminder that J.K. Rowling wrote the first of the novels that made her an extremely wealthy woman — and managed to feed, house and clothe herself and her child — while on state benefits after getting the hell out of an abusive marriage.