His lame attempt to shoehorn in a nod to the trans community with some vague last minute comment about the Oscar being for anyone who was different... Well, that was assorted sprinkles.
His lame attempt to shoehorn in a nod to the trans community with some vague last minute comment about the Oscar being for anyone who was different... Well, that was assorted sprinkles.
But nope. If she hasn't seen it by now she won't see it until something really serious happens.
More to the point...How in the actual fuck can Olivia hear that Fitz described to her father how he was screwing her, in intimate detail by the way as if she were less than a person with feeling, and not punch Fitz in his throat? HOW?!?!
If I was on the writing staff, I'd be very strongly pitching torpedoing the whole Olitz ship and start calling it for what it is — a deeply abusive relationship with an incredibly dangerous stalker who has never respected Olivia's needs or boundaries. I'd love to see her turn that keen sense of insight on herself and…
I feel more conflicted about this show's treatment of Olitz rather than Oliver herself, if that makes any sense.
But I support your inclination to hatewatch this show.
Awfully cynical of you. We already saw that she was quite idealistic and loving, i.e. VERY DAMN DIFFERENT as the First Lady of California, until her father-in-law raped her.
I think there's also an element of Mutually Assured Destruction. Cyrus, Mellie, Fitz and Olivia may all have their own reasons to hate Sally Langston's guts, but the Vice-President of the United States being tried for murdering her closeted husband after seeing photos of him screwing the White House chief of staff's…
It seems like the more SCANDAL-like thing to do would be to put her on blast and force her to, you know, endure a murder trial so she would no longer be a threat. Or the blackmail thing. But, just helping her out? Why?
By deserves, I mean, it's ridiculous that a show this scandalous hasn't had a first lady fling yet.
And now she's a slutty slut to boot, having cheated on Fitz with the Lt Gov for years.
Just give Joe Morton all the awards right now and call it a day. Nobody can do a rant like he can. I always think, 'is this too over the top?' but then I'm so caught up in what he's saying that I forget to answer myself.
I should dislike Daddy Pope and the way he just talked to his daughter, for chrissakes, but I'm getting a little sick of Olivia's crap too.
ETA: Rowan's monologuing is just a tad preachy, no?
More or less batshit that Fitz's creepy "I'm only stalking you because I lurve you" speeches? Seriously, this show is a great case for selecting our leaders by Hunger Games.
Well, the incumbent President of the United States is a semi-permanently drunk murderer who spends most of his time stalking, home invading and kidnapping his mistress (you know, the woman he drunkenly tried to rape in an elevator). Sally Langston's never been more qualified for this White House. :(
Sadly, as all creatives know, you can't control how other people consume your art. Jonze, as a very rich and successful person with lots of amazing movies under his belt, should probably understand that by now.
Because the usual yardstick for profitability is a film grossing at least twice its budget, though that's always a dodgy proposition given Hollywood accounting is America's great contribution to prose fiction. (Especially if someone besides the studio has profit participation — in that case, its funny how often a…
...though the fact that the both movies bored me so much I couldn't even remember their title isn't a good sign
Or Lois Lane doing sweet-fuck all besides angstily chain-smoking on the roof of the Daily Planet Building and scowling, because her (super)man not only vanished without so much as a dump-text, but owes one almighty shit-load of back child support. Wow, how could anyone fail to find that charmless throwback to the…