Parker Posey with a martini glass full of olives, a bottle of vodka tucked under her arm, and whatever crazy hair/fashion combo was perfection.
Parker Posey with a martini glass full of olives, a bottle of vodka tucked under her arm, and whatever crazy hair/fashion combo was perfection.
I'm not sure I even want to waste a rigidly extended middle-finger on Singer. FFS, dude, when Zac Snyder - ZAC! FUCKING! SNYDER! — managed to come up with a more interesting take on Lois Lane you're doing everything wrong. Hell, I loathed Man of Steel but have to give credit for Amy Adams playing girl reporter who…
Fair call - I didn't express that as well as I could have, and if people didn't
"get" early Dredd Revolution wouldn't have even started it's pretty ambitious Complete Case Files series, let alone keep them in print. (Or reprinted other popular series like Strontium Dog, Rogue Trooper & Nemesis The Warlock) My point…
There's a biting satire in 2000 AD that IDW just doesn't seem to get.
Okay, everyone's focusing on the word, "pretty", here. The characters are pretty. And as an animator, you want to keep them looking that way (on model) no matter what emotion their face is conveying.
And if someone is ragey about it, what's it to you?
I need a mailing address for the internet you won today.
Oh FFS... now you're really flailing. But, hey... I'll play along. I'm reasonably confident Disney's "head of animation for film" would have some executive-level input into making sure his division is properly resourced to do its job, and even if doesn't (or is really shitballs at doing his job) it shouldn't be that…
If "you have to keep them pretty" is specialist jargon among animators, I will happily stand corrected. But I'd also note that Disalvo decided to focus on diificulties rendering the female characters, not me. And if you're charging this site with fabricating or distorting a direct quote, I'd sure like to know…
No one likes sexism and what'not but when it gets to the point of you rage blogging a Disney film because one of the animators was too honest, probably means you've gone off the deep end.
Thanks for asking about my home life. It's splendid for many many reasons, not least because it's full of people who know "condescending bag of dicks" is a spectacularly unwise tone to take with me.
Dear Lino Disalvo:
I'm sorry guys, you couldn't get the numbers to defeat the ACA in either house of Congress. You lost at that notorious coven of far-left Marxists, the Supreme Court of the United States. Build a bridge and get the fuck over it already. Or, you know, win back the White House and both houses of Congress and go buck…
Isn't THIS about the point..." Sorry, typo while trying to simultaneously laugh, cry and not throw up at the thought of what's going to happen if the sociopathic wing of the GOP decides it would be a great idea if they try shutting down the global economy as well.
Isn't think about the point the rest of the world imposes economic sanctions and bombs the shit out of y'all until the United States starts acting like a function democracy run by grown-ups instead of swivel-eyed loons?
OK, to parahrase Chris Rock I don't ask for, or hand out, medal-shaped cookies to dudes who aren't misogynistic dickbags because THAT'S SHIT WE SHOULD BE DOING ANYWAY. You don't get a gold star for simply being a decent human being. And you know what, straight white men in pop culture who aren't casually…
Yeah, it's more "bigoted and full of prejudice" to note a terrifying lack of diversity at DC than, you know, having the (presumably) straight white guys who wrote Batwoman leave the company because of editorial interference. It's "bigoted and full of prejudice" to point out the simple reality that Karen Berger —…
Part of me can understand extreme risk aversion when you're clinging to the top of the greasy pole at a very large corporation with very nervous shareholders, but you'd think DiDio would be looking at his backlist — without the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, the success of Watchmen, The Dark Knight Returns and The…
Yea, but I mean it's been 6 decades.
I'd just take the win if DiDio could open his mouth without turning it into a pop-up shoe store of clueless, tone-deaf straight white cis-male privilege.