Perhaps they also want to avoid the shitstorm that would ensue when they killed one of the couple in a few months.
Perhaps they also want to avoid the shitstorm that would ensue when they killed one of the couple in a few months.
Not letting the marriage happen isn't great, but it is a lot better than fridging poor Maggie
That said, I'm not thrilled with DC's anti-marriage policy, but it isn't fair for them to be perceived as anti-gay because of this.
And fair enough too - Betty isn't terribly sympathetic. But, hell, I like to think I'm pretty cynical and Matthew Weiner makes me feel like Pollyanna. IRL I wouldn't let anyone on this show in my house without a fully-charged cattle prod to hand. :)
But... still. I just have a knee-jerk "Fie and shame!" reaction to bad parents, I think.
Perhaps within fandom in general, but in this specific case Skylar was introduced to us as an asshole and she stayed that way for about 3 seasons.
You know, I read Anna Gunn's piece yesterday and I haven't been in fandom for years, but that was my first question: it's mostly women doing the hating, isn't it?
Winona from Justified is a perfect example. I've never seen a character so deeply hated by the show's female fans.
But I think she just isn't a likeable character.
I've always been confused by the Skyler hate. I think she reacts in a very understandable way to the circumstances she's been dealt. This notion of her being a "harpy" and a "shrew" is so unreasonable! Of COURSE she's going to freak out about her husband cooking meth and getting embroiled in various criminal…
I'm puzzled that the Breaking Bad fandom seems to have collectively forgotten that Walt raped Skylar and kept her trapped in the marriage against her will.
Obviously misogyny's a big chunk of it, but there's also the fact that people with the attention spans of small children resent
Yeah, I love the way Skyler is "unsympathetic" and so fucking awful internet douches overshare about their desire to see her die horrible in a show so full of 'sympathetic' meth-scum. Really internet, make up your fucking minds. You want nice people being nice before the collective group hug, get the cable cut off…
You're more right than not — stupid isn't going away any time soon. :) And I'm not going to die angry about Ridley Scott taking up time and money I'm never going to get back, when he's so extravagantly capable of much better, but it's still going to piss me off. :) (Oh, and for the record I hope I'm not THAT GUY who…
Turn your brains off, folks.. They'll reboot just fine
Yup. I'd also note O'Dowd is a bigger "name" in the United Kingdom, but somehow the folks who distributed The Sapphires in the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe didn't feel the need to white-and-dick-wash the indigenous female leads out of their own story.
I don't think that it was done maliciously
but the blue thing is kind of reaching, no?
We have had strong indications that Time Lords have changed sex during regeneration - given that, not exploring a female doctor is sealing off a huge part of the potential of the character.
Instead of trying of trying to change the formula of an established show, how about someone pen the next Buffy?