Yes, dynamic female characters are underrepresented in fantasy/sci-fi and I would love for that to be fixed. But I'm not sure Doctor Who is the right battleground for that
Yes, dynamic female characters are underrepresented in fantasy/sci-fi and I would love for that to be fixed. But I'm not sure Doctor Who is the right battleground for that
I'm an American and I don't consider myself racist, misogynistic, or incredibly stupid. But I will 100% be more likely to watch a movie if someone I already know I like is in it.
I would read it more as insensitive marketing than overt racism....
So when are we getting the NSFW / Banned By You Tube vision with those good boys with their bad cocks out? After all, we're living in an MPAA "cut a tit off it's date night, show a flacid penis - automatic NC-17" kind of world.
The original post was about structural sexism in the television industry, so I'm not sure how off topic I actually was and who gave you moderation privileges
you're suggesting that the sharp gender inequality is unimportant, or only important if women who break into male-dominated professions managed to be less sexist than the men.
Is the 'straight white dick privilege' (kind of a crass way to put it, btw) in the show itself, or in the crew and faculty that produce it?
Am I supposed to take any of that even slightly seriously, or are you just trolling?
I'm certainly not trying to trivialize or ignore the simple reality that gender gaps in Hollywood (and London) are widening, and that sucks on pretty much every level you care to imagine. Just saying that hiring a woman director - or producer or staff writer - doesn't do that much if we're talking about a show that's…
OTOH, Game of Thrones got around to hiring a woman director this season - and it's full chock-full of rapey bullshit. Just saying...
Yeah, this argument never gets tired. I think you might want to work on groking the fact that George RR Martin isn't a historian and Westeros doesn't exist. And if you don't mind, I'm going to keep focusing on pop culture serving up rape and violence against women as entertainment and how much that sucks — because…
Am I really supposed to be shocked that Mr. Rachael Ray may well not have been a virgin on his wedding night? REALLY?
Quite - and as Lindy and others have pointed out, it's ever so slightly ironic that Burchill's used the platform of a nationally distributed Sunday newspaper (and a very popular website with an international readership) to play the same old STFU bullshit bingo media men have been pulling on women since the…
Yes. The really scary thing is that it's downright retrained compared to Germaine Greer's characterization of transwomen as "ghastly parodies" of women engaged in a symbolic rape/murder of the women they despise. Or something. Really, her thinking on this subject is as vile as it is incoherent.
Yes. And freedom of speech does not oblige anyone else to give you a platform. One of the small ironies here is that Moore and Burchill (and their enablers) are complaining about their freedom of speech being crushed on the Observer/Guardian website. This is a place where comments are closely moderated, and those…
Her terribly pithy bon mot relies entirely on our eagerness to gobble up stereotypes, our titillation at the "strangeness" of non-cis people, and our refusal to look at the human realities of trans women in Brazil. Hence, gross.
Quite - while I didn't think Cabin in the Woods was flawless by any measure, I've got to give Joss Whedon & Drew Goddard credit for at least trying to critically engage with/subvert the metric fuckton of misogynistic trope in way too much horror. Like Whedon, I find horror a massively problematic genre I have a…
Well, I guess I totally misread the whole plot line in season one where Mrs Coach was basically raped by creepy ghost teen serial killer in a rubber suit and died while giving birth to the Anti-Christ. Well, Ryan Murphy, thanks for acknowledging that racism, homophobia and pseudo-medical abuse really suck but I'd…
I gave the first the film a wide pass while most Trekkers universally condemned Abrams vision as being decidedly non-Trek.